My biggest issues are with MM, you are pushed to pick the right side of the class tree and that side kinda button bloats you. In a AOE scenario you can end up with barrage, volley, explosive shot and trick shot, since all these abilities lack good synergy it will feel more like a button mash in AOE.
I also really whish they would try and bring back more stuff from pre-BFA hunter like sidewinders, serpent spread and either instant or castable while moving aimed shot.
@ Plzrespond
Same worry here.
Maybe you’ll like some of my ideas for MM (link below). Serpent Spread is there now.
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I dont really agree here about pvp aspect of it.
pretty sums it up here.
It really depends on how effective imp pet mend and thick hide are and if its a “erpaderp killll da pet” meta. Your pretty much always going to take tar trap because its really good and since your on that line anyway picking up exhil pet heal ( better than imp tranq imo) would probably enough.
Otherwise I mainly agree with you Podra. I do have my concerns with both generic and surv trees.
Agreed. If it was a 1pt it probably be okish.
I think that looks really good, love vurnebility returning. The one thing i would change is reduce some of the multipoint node to give more room for some of the old hunter stuff. There has been alot of itteration over the years and while i dont think you can go back i would love to see more of their greatest hits.
@ Plzrespond
Yes. I tried to come with old ideas in the base Hunter tree. But there are indeed many other nice old stuff they could try bringing back.
My Hunter tree:
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BM hunter here. Lazy weekend, just had a chance to fun around with the wowhead hunter talents. Balancing not withstanding; I love how these builds are going to completely refresh the hunter playstyle. And you can save a bunch of builds. Hunter side with Hi Exp trap, steel trap and double KC. Gave up posthaste and conc shot. BM side through wailing arrow or down through Call of the Wild. 2 completely different ability sets. I’m surprised I haven’t heard more comments about how this seems to be a class revamp for all classes if this is any example in the hunter tree.
It’s possible I’m missing something, and it’s probably not the best build idea possible, but…
Providing Wowhead’s talent calculator is currently up to date, if one were wanting to play a mm hunter without a pet and without traps, I’m really not seeing a way to get all 31 points in the general hunter tree…
If you’re playing lone wolf, pretty much all the pet-focused things are useless and if you’re avoiding traps, all the trap and trap improvement stuff also feels bad.
If you don’t take any of the pet or trap talents, you can only take the right two lines after the first section, which is only 27-28 points.
Would be nice to be able to get at Keen Eyesight without going through pet talents at least.
Yeah my biggest gripe with Hunter(Coming into Legion, skipped playing it because I didn’t like the design they were going for) is how right now we have 3 min CDs defensives which is nuts… same case for cheetah it’s mobility. I came from the days when we had 2 charges of deterrence which were on at 1.5 min or 2 min CD iirc. I really would like to see something like this come back at least.
Astral Plane has a 40% DR and is at 1.5 min CD. There’s no reason Hunters defensive should be twice that long coming off of CD. So yeah, general tree needs way better defensives.
This is one of the most glaring issues with both the class in retail (weakest class in the game currently, when it comes to survivability) and also in the DF alpha… Guess we will be squishier than squish for another 2 years.
I have a question that is related to the Serpent Sting modifier talent Latent Poison Injector’s (LPI). This applies a stack (max 10 stacks) of latent poison that is consumed by using the Spec’s primary ability.
In the case of MM Hunter: If talented in LPI as well as Serpentstalker’s Trickery, would you be simultaneously applying a Serpent Sting while consuming a stack of LPI by using Aimed Shot thereby increasing Aimed Shot damage by the 20.7% attack power LPI modifier indefinitely?