Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - May 7

I guess we’re still playing Arms, since Fury S2/S4 is still a meme. At least S3 got a 3% buff.


Right? There is 1 BrM in the top 100 M+ tanks at 98th with their highest key as a +16, meanwhile every other tank (cough 96 VDH’s) lowest keys are +17’s. Damage was the one niche BrM had. Does Monk even have a dev anymore?


Brewmaster out here catching stray bullets when making changes to other thanks. Just revert those damage changes right now, it was already way behind and the damage didn’t need to take the hit. Magic stagger change is really good, though. It friggin’ needed that.

Yeah, VDH needed it some CC nerfs, but the Soul Cleave nerf was very unnecessary. AOE damage kinda scales out of control with a lot of targets, but single target is nothing amazing. Soul Cleave being nerfed is a pretty bad hit to single target damage when it was already nothing to write home about.

Sin buffs? You finally realized you were completely overreacting with nerfing Sin so bad it fell way behind the other two specs in Season 3? It took this long to realize you didn’t need to pull the rug out from under the spec when it already hadn’t been meta for basically anything in years? Though honestly the spec still needs to get away from all of its damage being tied to Deathmark+Kingsbane on a target and become a buff on the rogue somehow instead, because if the target for those things dies in M+ all of your damage goes with it.

Prot Warrior buffs? Love to see it.


They could very easily buff that. Some abilities (Like Blood Boil) have significantly higher threat generation. They could do the same with Thunder Clap/Shield Bash

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And that was a lie…


Hey guys, I just finished my season 4 tier set for Survival Hunter! Which bag slot do I put it in to achieve maximum dps?


Not completely a lie. They do monitor data. They just don’t care.


Where are the shadow priest nerfs, literally everyone knows they’re OP right now. Also, what’s with the destro buffs?


Blood boil threat is buffed by the axe DoT lol


As someone with lots of Destruction Warlocks thanks and you the best. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


Also looking closely at the nerfs somehow brew got a bigger damage nerf then veng did. They nerfed soul cleave by 8% when spirit bomb replaces it most of the time, meanwhile brew gets three abilities nerfed keg smash by 10% and keg smash is our on demand threat ability that we can’t just replace with uncapped aoe leech bomb.

Also that tiger statue nerf is comical why is it being nerfed in the first place? why is it being nerfed by 30% ? Oh no white tiger statue was doing too much damage!? If they hot fixed white tiger statue is removed for brewmaster there would be more rejoicing then white tiger statue randomly getting nerfed by 30% because no one likes the talent to begin with, but at the same time we still take it because its free damage its just less free damage now. It even IS already being removed for brew on alpha if I remember correctly, its just such a bizarre nerf.


get wrek’d VDH


Stop, it tickles.


No need for those brewmaster damage nerfs, and the stagger increase on magic is fine, but brewmaster needs more love then healing sphere, half the time it overheals and or Crits, legitimately not useful, need more armor, increase base stagger against physical attacks too.


It’s as if they were somehow balancing around maybe what talents will be in 11.0? Maybe they’ve just given up wholly on 10.2.6/7. Maybe the balance druid bit was just to cater to one specific person.


Please for all goodness sake, remove mana cost of Word of Glory for holy paladin. It has single handedly kill paladin mana and forced us into a strictly casting role!


Buff Threat generated by tanks. We are getting to the point DPS can easily rip threat. I mean i find it funny DPS run in same time as tanks and pop off but still is annoying at the same time


How about you just give Fury Warriors the Season 3 set bonus we should have gotten instead of the bad one that certain people vote stuffed to get?


Let’s see some Arms nerfs alongside these fury buffs.

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Legitimately feeling targeted at this point. Not even getting a sentence addressing the issue for sv (not even fixing, just noting there’s an issue) feels terrible when our issue is just as bad, if not worse, than the set bonuses that were addressed in this post.