Holy Nova at it’s base does 18% of Spell Power damage and healing to up to 5 targets, reduced past 5 targets. Holy Nova will soon after “echo” and be cast again at 50% effectiveness.
The new Rhapsody talent cause you to gain stacks, up to 20, that causes your next Holy Nova to deal 10% more damage and healing with each stack. You gain 1 stack every 5 seconds, which means it takes 1 minute and 40 seconds to deal 56% damage and healing with 28% after. Rather than wait nearly two minutes you are better off just using Holy Nova repeatedly for damage or any AOE healing spell once without running into melee range. Rhapsody needs to deal more damage and healing for it to be worth it.
If we were to change Rhapsody to gain stacks at an increased rate of 3 seconds rather than 5, then it would take 60 seconds to reach 20 stacks. Using Holy Nova should not consume these stacks until you have gain your 20 stacks which you then use Holy Nova to deal increased damage and healing.
Using Holy Nova and Divine Star (15 sec cooldown) grants you a stack of Rhapsody and Halo grants you 3 stacks (40 sec cooldown). Upon reaching 10 stacks you then gain Rhapsody and cause Holy Nova to deal increased damage and healing.
Not having access to the Dragonflight Beta means I cant test anything, so from all I can do is watch from afar and give input that will only be glossed over.
Shining Force is in the level 35 talent row and is removed from the Dragonflight talent trees. The less airblast effects in PvP the better unless certain maps get redesigned for balance. Which will never happen because PvP doesn’t make money.
Actually just realized they removed Shining Force. Hurts a bit for M+ because I used it to kick casters into walls to help interrupt them, but can live without it.
I have to assume having things like Shining Force in PvP is something they want to get away from… I for one hate those effects lol.
In saying that, what if they added Petrified?
That would allow you to fear without… hehehe fearing they will run away from death ball and pull more mobs from afar.
Mix with Sheer Terror and it can be a nice setup to do massive damage without them running around and without fear breaking for a while.
Psychic Voice
Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 15 sec.
(Choice) Talent
Targets of your Psychic Scream now tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.
Why then do all Shaman still have access to Thunderstorm…all Druids have access to Typhoon…all Evokers were given Wing Buffet…Mistweavers get access to Thunder Focus Tea…Hunter traps, Warrior Dragon Charge, Paladin Steed of Glory, Kul Tiran Haymaker etc…
If I had to guess at their new philosophy at Blizz, it’s a return to Classic nostalgia bait. You’re likelier to see things that remind you of Vanilla, TBC, or WoTLK before we ever see WoD-style shield spam come back, I should think.
That said, I do think they could make disc less clunky with longer atonements or a beacon and it’d feel a lot more satisfying for many players. Let’s see what the new designer has in mind.
The disc tree would be a lot better if atonement and all of its interactions were found in the 20pt tier as a raid healing option. The inevitable damage nerfs could then be loaded into the atonement talent rather than the spec.
Airblast effects are the least of Blizzards worries when it comes to PvP balance, trust me. Other classes still have access to their knockbacks, such as Druid Typhoon, Shaman Thunderstorm, Hunter Trap, Prot Warrior charge, Evoker wing buffet, etc.
In rated BG maps such as Eye of the Storm too, they put a rocky wall in the middle section to prevent players who have knockbacks to just wipe a whole team.
I find that adorable. Kind of like setting up baby fences for toddlers. Awwww!
Anyhow I see they’re whinging to take away our cloaks in the beta forums… because of arenas. If Blizz is balancing class trees around RBGs or arena they’ve lost the thread, lol.
Maybe they will tone it down, maybe not. Maybe it was just missed. But I find it interesting that psychic voice made it into the class talents not sharing a node with shining voice or my Petrified idea. So something seems intentional… just don’t know the reason behind it… yet.
Although most priests were not taking that option except for niche scenarios in some bgs… shining force is really useful in m+ so it’s really sad to see it gone imo. It’s hurting even more that we don’t get an interrupt because shining force could cover some interrupt scenarios…
Are we talking about a stun? Or is it still a fear? Because fear breaks easily in keys as all dps continue to bring hell to all mobs.
If petrified became a disorient or a stun, I’d take it before shining force. Otherwise shining force is a lot more usefull in lots of different scenarios.
Sheer Terror
Increases the amount of damage required to break your Psychic Scream by 75%.
I recall in Cata we got this a glyph that made fear do the Petrified thing… it was simply amazing. can be used as an AOE interrupt constantly as well as stopping not just spell casters… but when melee go berserk or have some effect like spinning around like bladestorm etc.
I’m saying fear breaks immediately in m+. So a base fear with a mob that stays in place doesn’t serve any purpose other that interrupting (which isn’t that bad, an interrupt…)
But shining force is useful for necrotik or any context where you would need to kite the mobs. Also useful in some encounters such as the dragon in gambit. I use it a lot during spiteful as well, be it for myself or to help allies.
True enough. Forgot about this one. That would probably do and help make our fear more usefull in pve too. Still, that’s 2 talent + Psychic Voice to make psychic scream at least as useful as Shining Force
The only situation I can imagine Shining force is better is when the mob is standing in crap like Sanguine and you need to move it out.
Beyond that, having a fear that interrupts casting AND melee abilities is useful ALL the time.
With Shining force, it can be more harmful as well as if you want to stop a cast from a mob in the death ball… you would end up making them all fly away… so its only good to move them into the death ball… but an interrupt or grip will achieve that.
So you can do both AOE fear / interrupt casters and melee and then you can interrupt casters from afar to drag them in (for shadow, maybe for Holy and Disc if they add interrupt for them).