Dragon Isles Emissary

Hey! Unfortunately, I face a pretty specific issue at the moment ( I think) , I leveled my druid to 62 before I decided that it will be Paladin - I leveled and finished all main quests on it. The campaign is 1/9 currently, but my Druid sits at 0/9 after finishing the Taldraszus quests regardless, including the Reagent quests from the Tyr short questline. Any idea if I have to finish the campaign a second time on my druid? Both tell me that I have to increase my renown to continue the campaign so I am exceptionally confused at the moment.

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You don’t “have” to do anything on your alt, as long as you’ve finished the whole campaign on your main and unlocked adventure mode.

Not sure what you’re asking exactly. You want your alts to do the whole campaign as well? Or you expect the whole campaign to be finished already for your alt?

Well since my friends decided we will run keys together and I switched twice due to once of them’s indecisiveness - I am now trying to catch up on the Druid that is 0/9 which I suppose would have to finish all the quests again.

I switched back to DH after I decided I just didn’t want do evoker main (after hitting 70 and doing a few mythics). I was already on fence but went ahead with it. As much as it might not be fun doing, all the quests on your new main is recommended. Simply to make sure your renown is highest on one character imo

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Just to post an update, I finished all quests now and unfortunately, the first campaign chapter is now not unlocked here and I have already put a ticket to Blizzard as there is literally no quest left in the main campaign and it says im 0/9


I had this happen. I tried to trace the quest back to find a missing part of the campaign.

For me, I already had the dragon, so I forgot to examine the appearance of my dragon, and talk to the glyph lady. Once I caught the quest up there, I got the notice to go back to the Ruby Shrine, and then things began to progress for me. I have all the glyphs, so I found out you don’t have to try and catch a non existent glyph, just talk to everyone.

You might have missed a small quest somewhere, like I did, that is preventing your progression.

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Thank you for the response, the blizzard rep pointed me to your response on my thread, however, I backtracked all available quests (outside of the dungeon ones) that I have done and had done. Still, nothing, submitted a bug report.

I will try doing some heroics today in order to get the quests done and update the thread.

It seems I am also not alone: https://www.wowhead.com/beta/storyline/dragon-isles-emissary-1367#comments

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You are not alone…

While it did put my character back on track, when I logged in again last night the quest tracker on my second character was back to 0/9.


I wonder if it’s because I used the mission table? I picked waking shores, but maybe it throws the campaign off track.

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I can’t even interact with that table lmao


Same here. Hunter completed campaign first, is 1/9 (Dragon Isles Emissary is completed and she was able to get her first Spark. Mage got 70 this morning, nothing. Can’t pick up “Renown of the Dragon Isles” and can’t pick up the quest to get her Spark either…

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Many people are in this situation and it’s been more than 4 days now since the reports have started, idk what they are doing tbh


I think maybe alts, just don’t get the story chapters.

Not quite to 70 on my second one, but brought my Dracthyr to the starter zone just to get the professions for the Darkmoon Faire.

The only thing I got for campaign is to reach the 4000 rep and level 70 to continue.

Well at this point my druid is 374 iLVL with all main campaign quests done, all irrelevant rep quests done, all the stuff like comm feast and obsidian invasion - still nothing.


Sad to see no update on this while many of us are completely bricked…

Here is the first reset, my Druid is still sitting at 0/9 campaign completion. I belive that the way they are “looking” at this we might just have to do the campaign on the character we moved from.

I have sent another reminder in the eu wow forums, however nothing is being updated.

My main character is now showing 0/9.

I logged into her yesterday finished the 4000 rep grind and she went to 0/9 completion when I turned it in.

Maybe no one has completed the first chapter?

I noticed some of the chapters were named after rep locked quests.

Posting an update: Someone has actually provided the Open Orientation quests anew in Valdrakken. After just clicking on complete I am now 1/9. Thanks to whoever did it!

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i did a whole story line on an alt n it still says 0/9 campaign on that alt as if i didnt even do it

To fix this go to the seat of the aspects in Valdrakken and find the Moving On quest and the orientation quest, you will also see a Jump Jump Jump start something, do these (3)and it will “catch up”…then offer the quest for the engine of innovation too…