Draenor Alliance Reconnections

There are a few of us still around, though scattered. Glad to see familiar names.

Kaeldayne (a.k.a. the Whiskey Tank)
Night Elf Warrior.

Guild: Cobra Commandos, later named We Wipe on Trash

I was wondering if you were coming back! add me on Bnet Ibanez#11787

Brooo add me! Ibanez #11787

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Check you mail on this toon.


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Human Warrior
< Mythic Guard > / < Resonant Horizon >

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Dwarf Priest
Hope to see you guys!

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Panoramix, gnome mage
Guild: art of warfare

Good freaking times

I played Bathewell and Scrubwell. We spent a bit of time together in Innercircle and Hoss. Good AQ40 memories. Xoidal#1482

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What server are all you We Wipe On Trash/Cobra people playing on? Reunion in Classic? Holytemplar says he’s down.

If you want to add me as a friend: Guill#1698

Kaeldayne, Glendora, that means you! Also tell Eudoro to add me.

Dwarf hunter
< Defenders of Modan >

Phix, Izeil, Atroxia, and everyone else I can’t remember, I miss you guys

Also played TBC as;

Human Prot Paladin
Was a raid/guild leader for a while around Gruul era, can’t remember our guild name, but eventually joined a larger raiding guild and cleared Kil’Jaeden before WotLK came out.

Miss you Xevious, Xbigdaddy, Pootpoot, and everyone else

Avelene - Night Elf Hunter
Samedivh - Human Paladin
Malfruen - Night Elf Druid

Guilds - Elven Empire, The Omicron Walrus, Souls of Soldiers

Living the dream. Your name does sound familiar. I spent most of my time in LUE in a multi-year forum flame war with some people >.> Some things change, others never do.

You say that like I know how to do that :slight_smile: I’ll download retail and see if I can find it lol

I’d totally be down for a Classic reunion. Bonus points if everyone rolls Horde (haha) but I’d make an Alliance character for it.

I haven’t picked a realm yet myself; was seeing if anyone else was picking one first.

Surfire aka looty
60 Human Rogue

Looking for old guild mates, Voista , Aethina, Takus

OY! Cobra Commandos!
Dwarf Paladin
The guy who wore a Deepdive Helmet raiding MC and BWL.
I cannot remember any other guild I was in. Pretty sure I was with you guys in We Wipe on Trash too but it’s been too long.
Hey Ibanez did you have a rogue alt named Selani back then or am I thinking of the wrong person?

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Hey Moonrizer! Long time, How have you been. I’m guessing since you are on here that you are playing Classic?

Hey :), Yea I’m rolling horde on Farelina or w/e its called.

Surfinmonk - NE warrior
Shimizu - BE rogue (arena team Tripod Ramrod)

Guilds: Wyrmlore Council, Ethereal Knights

Wow - I can’t believe I’m revisiting this 15 years later. Looking for any people from the above mentioned guilds: Familia, Healadin, Elro, Zur, Amelie, Maveril, Flutterbaby, Rawstench, Chip, Aarick, Neoknight, Iliana, Janelle, Sneakerpimp, Amundra, Baldric? (spelling) etc. There are a vast number of people I remember playing with and having a great time…I just wish I remembered everyone’s names!