Draenor Alliance Reconnections

Terminater(Human Warrior)

Holy Templars, Resurrect, Blood of Eden, InnerCircle, LAST LINE, Destruction man I could keep listing but I’m le tired.

NE warrior
IValorI Vanilla
Nocturnal Raiders BC & Wrath

Dwarf Warrior
Sodality of The Constant

Looking for anyone from back in the day that may be playing when classic drops!

Character: Ibz - Gnome Warlock
Guild: DownundeR

Human paladin
guild Mythos

So few posts for a pretty active server back in the day.


Incomplete - rogue human

Shadowsmoon - hunter night elf

Too many guilds to name and led a few as well. Just looking for anyone who remembers me to play with.

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Dartric - Human Paladin

Ethereal Knights + InnerCircle


Cordrann - Dwarf Warrior

BloodSteel Brotherhood, Evolve

Human Warrior
Halfbaked/Dark Family
Played a lot with Serenity, Sarddlos, Mirilla and Moonwatch.
Still have my Rich Purple Silk Shirt made by Armani himself!


Valdarix - Human Paladin
Brothers N Arms

Rolling horde on Mankrik server for classic

Kelekona - Human Paladin
GM of Heretic (formed in BC)
Ibanez, where you at!


Kina - Night Elf Hunter

Childish Intentions

Looking for old guildies and my Redridge crew… names escape me though. :weary:

So few posts for sure. Couldnt agree more.

Jolyroger - Former NE Hunter, now Worgen Hunter - Lvl 120

Bringers Of The Dawn (BoTD)

Hit me up here.

Adelia - NE Priest
Late Vanilla and BC era

NE Rogue

Human Paladin

Darvax Human Paladin
Ethereal Knights
Inner Circle
Many others.

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Darek, Human Paladin
Draenor server
Chosen of Azeroth and then Little Urban Elites

I’m in touch with some from back in the old days, but I’d love to be in touch with anyone else from those times as well.

I played a human mage, Bathewell. I was in Equinox, Maelstrom, Ysgard, United We Stand, InnerCircle, and Paradox.

I will join two others who played in those days: Bammer was a human paladin, and Druzil was a dwarf warrior. We’ll be playing on Horde PvP. Let me know if you’d like to reconnect.

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Ibanez - Night Elf Warrior