Draenei Rogues

Do their bottoms sway side to side like a heart shaped pendulum? Cause that’s the Draelady sprinting animation in a nutshell lol

No. They rush forward with relentless murderous intent. It’s pretty great.

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Rogues are cool.
Warlocks are cooler.
wiggles toes

Eh, different strokes for different folks, I guess. I like to watch the waggle, you like to watch the ANGY. It’s a good thing that the game is broad enough to appeal to us both :smiley:

They die before max lvl from being discovered clop clop cloping their way throug “stealth”.

I’ve leveled a draenei warlock to max as well. Haven’t played her as much. I think I just don’t care for the state of warlocks at the moment.

Sub rogue is fun as hell, though.

But the waggle…

Just go to Argus, unlock the Fel Heart of Argus (10% HP healed every 2 seconds as long as you stay out of combat) and then you can Burning Rush forever! :smiley:

You can also use the Fel Heart of Argus to treat the lava pools as hot tubs :sunglasses:

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Patience or buy a boost, these are the questions.

It didn’t take me long to get to max level. And I took my time. And leveled as sub. And screwed around on a lot of side stuff.

Do it. We’re evidently a rare beast.

I just rolled a sub rogue and went with gnome I was going to go worgen but dislike the racial armor but I’ll be honest I did even consider the Draenei I only play male characters so I’m thinking there rogue armor sets would look a too big on the shoulders.

How can you see them when they are hiding?

wiggles toes

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Can trolls wiggle their toes?

Leather hoof pads to mute the sound…it just makes sense


Yes I can!

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I still don’t see orc mages which have been in the game way longer.

Why on Azeroth do you want to hide that waggle behind stealth?

Because trolls like to pull on the tails?

So warlocks eat spicy chipotle?

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