Draenei Ponytail Shadowlands fix

Can we get a petition somewhere to have Blizzard fix the ponytail on the draenei females yet? It’s been years since our cute, high ponys met their poor, sad, droopy demise. Kul Tiran, Blood Elf, Void Elf, and Human females all have their cute perky ponytails…and we are the only race who got our pony tails deflated into a soggy, depressed pony.

Please help your fellow female draeneis and let us be cute once again!


Join the club :confused:

A few of the Female Dark iron Dwarf haircuts still clip as well.

Which is bizarre because those hair styles are unique and only for THEM.

I remember when the Dreanei hair cuts didn’t have green clasps and I didn’t feel obliged to match them with my armor.

I would also like the purple headband to change. I love it but it goes with nothing!

Don’t worry, I’m sure Blizzard is working on fixing clipping issues. Just like they fixed clipping on Worg…Oh.

Hi there, Im Tyche and i support this message.

I havent seen any shadowlands alpha, but i’m sure they havent fixed this yet. I think it’s been soggy since …cata? :frowning: starting to think was an intentional change…BUT ITS AWFUL!

Hope Blizzard will redo the hairstyle at some point. It was my favorite but then Blizzard updated the models and made this sad droopy version.

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I feel like I’m in the minority, I think the droopy ponytail is kinda cute… But I’ll join the cause to hopefully get a perky ponytail as a separate option.