Good riddance.
Really can’t stand that guy.
Good riddance.
Really can’t stand that guy.
It’s specifically because they can fight in visage form that it’d aesthetically make for free race changes. Yeah, the dracthyr population would shoot up, but not because anybody’s playing the dragon form. It’d be just so they could swap around from human to elf to draenei, etc. whenever they want. At least with evokers, a few abilities force you into your true form, but nothing like that happens when they’re other classes.
While i generally support options. I vote no for this multi-race idea. I personally like both the drathyr form and the existing visage form. I think its awesome to be able to choose scales and horns.
I play two characters: this guy, and a dracthyr.
I dig my dracthyr. I dig playing a dragon person. I don’t ever use visage. If I wanted to play an elf-y looking thing, I’d play an elf. Same with worgen; my worgen never goes into human mode because if I wanted to play a human, I’d just play a human.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, OP. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get more visage customizations. What I am saying is that you should be careful when you say things like, “a necessary change for immersion and player identity”. Because it’s not necessary, because there are players who are perfectly immersed and have identity with the current visage options or without any visages at all.