Dracthyr Racials ll

Leave the Dracthyr’s Glide alone.
Glide should NOT be an Evoker-only thing.
Glide is a Dracthyr thing.
Glide is under the Dracthyr Racial in the Spell Book. Not under Evoker.
Why would you make the other cool Dracthyr Classes slower?? :frowning:
Losing the fun factor in the other Dracthyr Classes. :frowning:
Demon Hunter has more mobility than the Dracthyr, and the Dracthyr’s Wings are permanent.
Why can’t Dracthyr have that cool Double Jump like the DH’s have?


Probably because the games designed around class balance not race balance, so extending passive movement speed, momentum stop, and slow fall in one passive to all the classes not designed with them in mind was an ill advised decision…


And that is a problem with having a Fantasy Game, and they bring out a Cool Race, that can’t do their cool race abilities. Not very fun and immersive, breaks the fantasy of it.

Unfortunately there are competitive aspects of the game, too. All for it not entering any sort of competitive instanced content.

Good thing they can balance PvP and PvE differently. The glide nerf sucks, and i’d love to see it changed.


Everyone whose saying evokers are “balanced” around glide…

Lollll and go ahead and tell me every single night elf class that night elves can be are balanced around shadowmeld. Dropping combat targeting into stealth mode in rated pvp is 10x stronger than a double jump movement buff.

HOWEVER… This could have been solved easily by only nerfing glide within rated pvp instances, and mythic raids (race to world first advantages running back from wipes)

Literally everywhere else it should have been left alone. World content, normal dungeons, heroics etc and especially farming old raids and old dungeons it was fun and completely fine.

I definitely won’t be paying to race change a single class to a lizard that barely has any beat features over my existing class/race combos


We’re talking about Glide (which should be reverted or at the very least buffed a little) but they should also take another look at Tail Swipe. At the very least give it back even if sharing a cooldown with Wing Buffet, but it should be a 2min cooldown instead of 3min.

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Just don’t add other classes to dracthyr, problem solved. Fun is good and all but the devs should look into balance as well, this is a decent solution from the mess they created when they decided to give these lizards other classes

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Why would you even say this, knowing you won’t be taken seriously in the slightest?

I would totally be fine with it being turned off or slowed in rated pvp and/mythic. I mean you already lose the speed glide when you pick up the flag in pvp already!

Why do you need to be 50% faster than everyone else for it to keep the fantasy?

Imo, this should be the normal speed of it