Dracthyr Jokes/Flirts?

“My Magic decks suck. Each one is 5 colors… like me”

“I wonder what they’ll retcon to help me make more sense.”

“I’m not some shallow guy just because I have a shallow gene pool.”

“Have you seen how many spikes dragon eggs have? NO WAY your getting me pregnant. Use some protection… no… I don’t mean your armor… (sigh)”

“Alextrasza is red, Malygos is blue… wanna bang?”

“My visage form can appear as anything… do you have mommy issues?”

“My tongue isn’t the only thing that’s bifurcated.”

“I’m going to focus on my career, but you can stay home and warm the eggs.”

“If Ysera the Green and Alextrasza the Red are sisters… is Preservation incest?”

“Which aspects are my parents? Yes…”

“We only have one class.”

…Tell me that’s not a joke.

“I don’t know why people don’t like us. It’s not like dragons are infamous for getting corrupted or anything.”

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