Dracthyr evokers are arguably the best toon ever

So much dracthyr hate, i wager in the Demon Hunter you’re a garbage class and animations. At least i move like a standing dragon. You move like a figurine with a grounding stick up the whazoo. I’m a mages greatest competitor, you’re annoying. What is damaging me when i fight you Demon Hunter? Your cheesy weapons that they probably boost your fel energy like all your other abilities?


After I’ve wanted drakonids for so long, dracthyr felt like they came up incredibly short and disappointed me a lot. I remember originally making fun of the leak about them because I would’ve sworn they were just modified off of someone’s Second Life assets. Oops.

And while I like the CONCEPT of what they were going for with visages, restricting them to a human/belf look was massively disappointing as a horde fan. I feel like that perception of what’s normal/monster is flipped horde-side, so when you’re rolling a horde dracthyr that’s ostensibly supposed to be bonding with your faction, taking a form that looks like an outsider race (or worse, an enemy race) sends a bad message of “I don’t want to look like you”.

And no worthwhile transmog options, either. If you’re not interested in the barbershop armor aesthetic, you’re screwed. :frowning:


Yup. Typical Blizzard monkey paw-ing things. People have wanted a dragon-race for along time, but we get this instead.

Folks would’ve enjoyed if they just gave us Drakonids as a playable race- not even a new class, and able to be dressed up in armor. People would’ve loved that!

Drakonid warriors would’ve been really cool to have.

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That’s a matter of taste .op.

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Yeah, this is all opinion. If I’m DPS I prefer my mage, but prevoker is insanely fun and probably my favorite heal spec there’s ever been in the game.

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This is incorrect as Vulpera exist.

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It depends on the gender of the dracthyr visage form. The female visage form is human. The male visage form is a blood elf. Mine has a male visage form, so blood elf it is.


Yeah, the little ugly chihuahua/fox that’s all bark no bite

okay but… scalies

Foxes exist. EZ CLAP!

Vulpera are better.

Is that supposed to be a positive?

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yes, also yes

I like my skinny evoker.
That being said, there should be a dracnoid option for ppl who want it