DPS self heals

30 energy in crimson vial is 30 energy not going into a mutilate or an envenom. Saying there are no feral druids on the ladder in RBGs is a lie. Saying there are only 15 in arenas is another lie. Saying there are only 20 Ret Pallies when there are more than two times that amount above 1700 is a yet another lie. Saying there are only 5 ret Pallies above 2400 is
 you guessed it, another lie.

As for the mage, lock, rogue comment, /shrug. I guess you got me there. Since healers heal and dps dpses
 I wonder why people don’t choose to play a class who can do both but not particularly better than the pure specs. Maybe it’s because there are already specs that specialize in healing or dps. Maybe you should be a spec that excels at what you’re wanting to do. I mean, there’s not a whole lot of tanks in 3s either. Maybe we should boost tank dps and survivability too. Hell, maybe we should make ALL classes be able to tank, heal, or dps equally in every spec.


You got me since the last time I liked there have been another whole 7 more, making 12.

As for the other numbers I didn’t lie I just didnt both to go see updated numbers

And this is where you get a stagnant meta where there only a small number of truly viable comps. Which makes for an extremely boring game.

This is just stupid design as well. We have had in the past were they been able to balance better than this. With a healthier meta than this.


Used to be you would play a lock for self healing class, but slowly everyone started getting heals, while others faded away

Just in general no DPS unless it fits the class like old school affliction lock
 should have self heals in pvp

I believe DPS should have a self heal out in pve cause you are usually solo.

All of you guys have ruined my immersion into my class fantasy. Thanks a lot.

Can’t interrupt your heal now can we?

Don’t have to wait 30 seconds to use your heal, do you?


It can be locked out. Stun int ect you hit your button not a thing can be done about it. It’s a class mech not a health pot thats the dif.

Yes, abilities have pros and cons. I can come back with how hybrid heals are usable on others
 you’ll come back how vial has a light resource cost
 I’ll come back with hybrid heals being spammable

Different abilities are better suited to different situations. They’re balanced around entire class toolkits so it’d be a bit loaded to compare one to another in a vacuum without that context.


That’s not the point I can’t stop your heal you can stop mine (Drain life lol kick
Drain life lol you do no damage to me while I pve you into the dirt
 Ress timer). Not to mention drain life is crap outside of affy with ID traits stacked and set up. The trade off for damage to heal is what alot of ppl want addressed . Keep your vial that’s fine but there needs to be a trade off 30 energy cost is so laughable so many ways to negate that cost that it makes it irrelevant.

Once other resources came into play (insanity, malestorm, ect), the idea of only hybirds healing went out the window. Maybe in vanilla where they would go oom after 3 heals, and not be able to dps or heal after they went oom. Only in that context would any of this make sense.

We oom after 4 now
 Not sure your point.


But unlike vanilla you can still use abilities because of malestorm or even resource-less abilities.

Unless you were enhance. The problem is there is no trade off in a pvp setting for heals like vial

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Low healing, energy, longish cooldown. Im sure a rogue would much rather have healing surge.

enhance just get the malestorm back. Its nothing compared to when they used mana.

Vanilla auto attacks were still a giant portion of your damage. Wf was bad a.

Getting maelstrom back doesn’t mean we can heal for anymore though. We are still oom. Can’t purge either with no Mana. Ret pallies lose a ton of stuff when oom too.

No comparison. The hybrid tax still exists and pure dps classes had theirs removed.

Sure lets take away pure dps healing and put hybird damage back to vanilla levels. Lets get those 0 mana spriest, ele, boomkins in action.

No they won’t 
 healing surges can be interrupted and locks you out of nature . And 4 healing surges before going oom if allowed uninterrupted is about 35 percent of your health.

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So I just got on my shaman. Did 4 heals and gained 60% hp. While in combat I got to 100% mana in 30 seconds of just not healing. Yet people are complaining about other dps having a heal? Remember you are a dps
 not a healer. This hybird talk actually means nothing to me. You have what resources are available to you, and they have theirs.

Not unless you crit

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