DPS? Click away! 8/8h let's kill some thangs

Sometimes I want to leave the guild, just so I can feel the thrill of rejoining again. lolol

But for real, this guild is easily the best on the server (possibly the entire game?!?!). I’ve made some great friends through this group of people, to the point that I text and snapchat some throughout my day whether to share good news, look for support in a rough time, or just cause I’m bored! If you’re looking for a fun group of people to joke around with while making progress and enjoying the game, look no further - you’ve found it!!! :two_hearts:


Your first line!! Awwww <33

Well, can’t compete with how sweet that was… but I think we’re at least a solid 5.5/10… IF I WERE CRAZY.

11/10 would join again.

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yo dawg I heard you like progression!?

Ditto!!! Still can’t believe y’all let me do things :wink:

We did a thing last night! You should join us so you can do a thing as well!

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Happy fri-yay, future friends!!

Come celebrate Doggy Domingo with us!

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I stinking love u people :heart_decoration::purple_heart::revolving_hearts:

Come and join the server first AOTC CoS guild

We did it sooooo hard!


I love this crew. That is all. =)

LF a tank friend!

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Someday it’ll update my guild… Same Plan Less Dying > Two Shot!


Here tanky tanky tanky

Boop boop boop. =)

I’m a fan of the guild as well! It’s the type of guild that you tell your IRL friends about, so they also join.

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haha - I love it ^.^ Updated ‘needs’ - current raid team looks GOOD, but I wouldn’t mind a healer or chill dps to hang with!

I enjoyed your post. So you get a bump :slight_smile:

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Why thank you very much!! =)

Would love an additional player or two to strengthen our crew for next week!