DPs balance in M+ is so bad - has huge negative impacts

That’s not your argument. Your argument is “a 27 key is timed so it’s balanced”. Which allows for someone doing 0 dps and being carried while claiming balance. Your argument is for participation not performance, yet you keep pretending any of your claims have to do with performance.

Your argument is literally “as long as someone else of your spec was allowed to participate then your spec is balanced regardless of whether their performance was of any value.” Your argument is bad.

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Again show me the logs where this is the case. Any spec in the game, show your work friend and don’t make arguements for me without atleast proving proof of the claims you made up for me.

You have no arguement so “no yours is bad” I guess.

The spec did x key. Therefore it’s balanced around x key. if you want to provide proof that the dps that that spec did was not needed, that’s on you.

If a noob player plays the meta classes, they still wont perform, and would still produce horrendous dps and other people would still ridicule them and other people still wont invite them becoz they are just bad.

Thank you for confirming my statement as to your argument.

Also, thank you for informing us all you have no concept of the meaning of the word “balance.”

Posters here are concerned with relative performance in keys not whether someone ever times a key while underperforming on dps. We are all aware that you can time keys with players or specs that perform poorly. That doesn’t make people want to play with those players or specs. Blizzard cannot fix the players but they can easily tune specs to have closer performance.

This is simply not how logic works.

The top Ret Paladin, piloted to its absolute limit, has only completed content 24% easier than other top players. Therefore, in a certain sense, we can say Ret Paladins are 24% worse than other DPS. Factually, objectively, for whatever your skill range is, if you’re bringing a Ret Paladin instead of that same player with all of his skills translated 1:1 to a better spec, you will be 3 keystone levels worse off.

That isn’t to say player skill doesn’t have a huge influence on success, and that a top ret paladin couldn’t outperform a worse player of another spec, but this idea that just because a ret paladin has done something the average player hasn’t doesn’t mean ret paladin is balanced against destro locks or SV hunters. Lol.


What’s sad is we all know they won’t nerf destro and survival.

They tried to nerf blood and there was a revolt so they got a tiny boop with the nerf bat.

The players would revolt that they wouldn’t be able to do as well after the nerfs (like literally the point) and they’ll feel bad about it.

It’s kinda kinda boggling.

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Honestly, they shouldn’t nerf destro or SV at this point. It’s too late. The meta is settled in. Major balance changes shouldn’t come until s4.

Eh they could still do minor fixes. Probably better to do minor buffs to underperforming specs.

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They don’t even try… we knew survival was going to be insane months before 9.2 dropped.

However, with how powerful we are, every spec can time 20s. Some will have a much harder time doing that than others, but I’ll take it.


I prefer more frequent balance changes. I feel less desire to constantly jump classes and specs when I know a buff is just around the corner.

This season is considerably more out of balance than the first two as far as I can tell. Which should prompt more tuning. But Blizz seems pretty content to just let it ride.

We are too far into the season. Nerfs that would make M+ completed impossible can’t really be done. If Blizzard wanted to aura done low performers sure but dmg major tuning needs to wait until next season.

The 2 other DPS DOES matter

You dont see +28 keys with just Shadow Priest, Ret Paladin, and Feral Druid. Why do you think that is?

You can’t make the argument that “Ret is fine because they did a +28” when the other 2 dps are the top tier picks. Put 2 ret paladins in one group with a shadow priest and then let me know if they can do a +30

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Considering current tier turnout probably a lot though it was most likely a combination of a lot of things not just that alone. If Blizzard is going to try this hard to make m+ and raid an esport then they have to at least attempt to balance classes and not let 2-3 be 20% above everything else.

100% intentional

They were too busy randomly nerfing spriest and boomies and then buffing destro to care.

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This is irrelevant because no one here has actually hit the point that it matters. Spriests can do 27s therefore if you are a spriest and are hard stuck 18s it’s not balance.

It’s (once again)

This is also irrelevant because the spriest or druid or whatever is OVER the point needed to time the key, or else they wouldn’t be brought.

Ah this is the problem… people don’t have the mental capacity to understand an infinitly scaling system.

Blame the school system not blizzard.

This isn’t necessarily the case, it’s also possible that they’re just not far enough under that the other specs would be incapable of pulling the extra weight. And if your argument is based on the scenario that in order for a spriest to time it is required to bring a destro and an SV, then I’d say we’re pretty far off balance.

It literally HAS TO BE THE CASE or the key wouldn’t be timed.

Those spec obviously bring enough dps/utility/whatever to make up/save/not cost enought time to complete the key at those levels.

Unless they wouldn’t be brought.

In terms of a 33/33/33 split between DPS it certainly doesn’t haveto be the case. If SV and destro can do 40/40 then the third spec only needs to do 20, but that is still half the damage of the other 2 and unbalanced af. The key is still completed in this scenario, but 2 specs were required to pull it off, and one was just…there. I don’t have actual numbers, because I really don’t care that much, but DPS specs are for sure not balanced rn, and I’m seriously questioning anyone who makes that claim.

Quote once where I said dps are balanced. If talked about different balance points in keys. They arn’t balanced BUT this isn’t an issue for every single person in this thread because those off meta specs have done keys 300% harder than anyone here.


Improving all 3 of those will get you higher than whining about balance and then once you reach that balance point, come complain with an actual valid complaint.