DPs balance in M+ is so bad - has huge negative impacts

Looking at boss damage doesn’t make it any better. The ret is still 25%(4K) behind the SV hunter and 38%(7k+) behind the Lock.

People are ignorantly pretending that it’s just AOE that Destro/SV are good at. They are both top 4 specs for single target, while being top 2 for AOE. It’s bad balance and most of y’all just want to write it off. The balance is crazy out of whack right now.

If you take Destro+SV you only need to be mildly competent for your 3rd dps just because the balance is crap.


It isn’t remotely balanced, they just haven’t reached the cutoff where having your 3rd dps be way behind stops you from timing the key.

You go on and on about off-meta specs in keys, but are blind to the fact that as long as you have 2 specs that can perform so much better than everyone else you can bring anyone in that 3rd slot. They just have to use CDs and not throw the key.


Spriest needs to have a comp built around it and the spec is honestly just not fun in that content which is why I pretty much just got ksm and gave up on it.


It means that it is balanced for that key level which is 27s atm for spriests.

The rest of your nonsence about tier lists has literally no point (except to further prove my point about community perception so thank you)

And that’s the balance point. So unless you have hit that point on not a lock or hunter… i’ll repeat it again for the like 5th time.

It’s a skill, knowledge or perception issue

There is no point in further engaging with this person. He is trolling.

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I play BM hunter and I have to resort to begging to get into a 15 key. Pestering and begging Bnet friends just for a chance to get a key done for vault totally drains your mood to play,

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Which is why I never get into the M+ gig.

You have to be lucky enough to find a group that works and plays around your hours.

Riding on the backs of locks and hunters I’d imagine. They do so much more damage than everyone else, it’s ruining the experience for people. I’m hoping they adjust tier set bonuses or do some serious tuning for next season or i might not be playing much.

I am sure it has nothing to do with your lack of IO.

Or you just work up from 1s and 2s to get your IO up instead of trying to apply for groups you arent qualified for.

I mean that it exists just tells me it’s no longer an activity to enjoy, more a resume making process where you’re sweating over how you’ll perform.

Stupid way to play the game.

I told you already. Making this personal doesn’t strengthen your argument.

Oh and this is a quote from a post I didn’t directly quote you in. So you just broke one of your narratives.

Not even close. Dungeons are completely different at level 4 and level 10 and level 15. If you havent worked your way up you wont know the basics.

Nothing I said is even personal.

If you think this is a personal attack you need to take a break from the internet.

Not really, just responded once to show again you dont know what you are talking about. It was a one time thing and wont happen again.

Sorry. That’s not the experience I’ve had. M+ groups I’ve had barely function past 2 affixes.


I never implied it was. I was just refrencing how you don’t ever reply to me unless it after I had already quoted you but hey.

You can break your own rules right?

Keep up the trollin game dude. Never gets old.

Then its a you issue.

I didnt stutter.

Sure thing.

I mean its not a rule. I just usually choose not to respond.

The irony considering youre nitpicking.

Kinda the same case with you when presenting any of your opinions…or are they facts? I get confused with you.

I mean if you don’t like it then…don’t do it yourself?

Buff all three mage specs… That is all

Louder for those in the back!

If your experience is ruined because someone does more damage than you then you don’t want to time keys or play as a group, you want to flex your insecure and frail ego.


You can dismiss my concerns but I know I’m not the only one who is displeased with the state of balance in mythic+.

Getting harder to find groups too so I’m guessing people are getting bored and worn out. This season is dying

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It’s not possible without completely homogenizing every spec for every spec to be 100% equal, even at a 1% difference across the board there would still be a meta, it just wouldn’t be as glaring as it is today. There’s been better times where specs, capability wise, were within a key level of each other and that’s what we should hope for in terms of balance in m+. Meta, if not defined by incredibly obvious damage increases, will then be quantified by survivability, utility, comp synergies, etc. Point is people will always be able to quantify a tier ranking for specs.

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