DPs balance in M+ is so bad - has huge negative impacts

I wouldn’t say, ‘much harder.’ Team comps matter and most under represented DPS specs still have substantial utility that can justify them being there. Because DPS meters don’t reflect enemy debuffs, party buffs and utility.

I don’t think Blizzard should do anything on this front but if they did want to do something it’d be nice if they uploaded videos of themselves clearing these dungeons with unconventional party comps. To demonstrate they tested it.

Most classes have substantial utility. There’s only a few spells which are unique to one class. For example, brez is great, but three classes and all engineers bring it. Lust is great, but three classes bring it. ST cc could be frost trap, sheep, incap. Aoe stun could be shadowfury but the rsham could also drop a totem. Druids can soothe, sure, but so can the SV hunter.

I wish blizz would work harder to shake up the meta more often. So many things have been put into the game to let blizz dial performance up or down, but they never seem to use them. If the buffs / nerfs are just going to be flat damage increases once a tier, what’s the point of having all these different stats?

Here’s a little spec utility anecdote. Inspired mob in MoTS maze with the mender. We taunted off the inspired, let the group kill the mender then tank gathered the inspired back up and we took the rest down. So, just one instance of being able to be useful to the group.

The mplus balance is shot to hell. Im pushing 23s and 24s and over 90 percent of the groups im in have a destro lock, survival hunter, or ww monk. I can take the least amount of healing and damage, die the least, and always be hitting targets and still come up 5k dps below the next guy who dies six times. I am a lust and intellect button. I came to terms with this long ago.

It really is unfortunate that some specs get no attention despite their shortcomings.

I really gave Feral & Balance a try but how depressing when you can’t keep up to that guy who is 30 ilvls below you.


M+ and balanced dps and utility. Doesn’t exist.

Devs are too busy understaffed can’t do all specs. That is a BS excuse. The system is broken and perhaps on purpose.

Experience in high keys and heroic raids as a hunter or warlock = better damage contribution = more opportunity = better game experience in most all cases. Where feral is fun to play it’s not the same experience regardless of skill. I don’t care if there are 10 Ferals doing timed 30 keys.

The design system is broken and I don’t believe blizzard cares nor will do anything to correct it.

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M+ sure, but raid? Feral does pretty well on most fights this tier.

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The only utility that trumps burst damage aoe profile is shroud and only if they didn’t dedicate an entire seasonal affix to counter shroud like they’ve done twice (Awakened, Encrypted).

After that, the top 2-4 specs with the highest burst aoe will always be meta.

It’s been that way since mythic+ started

It will stay that way forever because of the nature of infinite scaling, which by definition requires more and more dps to meet the timer, and the only way to keep pushing dps is bigger and bigger pulls.

http s://imgur.com/a/ZwCT1MY

It’s not just about perception.

One of these specs I’ve been playing for 3 expansions, and have been doing m+ regularly on since bfa.

The other is my warlock that I hit level 60 on in April.

Agree. This is logical given how m+ is set up currently.

Cap aoe or don’t for all classes. Doesn’t seem like rocket science to me.

I think you’re misunderstanding. You will have a problem finding groups on those specs, BECAUSE of the perception of others playing the game. There’s nothing wrong with those specs. If two completely equal players were to run the exact same dungeon about 10x each, statistically speaking, survival might do a few pct more than the worst in the game. That few pct does not change anything unless you’re literally trying to time 28s and up.

I would argue you would have a better argument talking about utility balance. Dmg argument for mythic plus spots shows you aren’t exactly sure what you’re talking about