Dozer got tired of the destro locks in arena and is now queing guardian

I miss some WLD with an affliction pretty bad


Good for him! Whatever melts locks gets my vote.

Serve them back a slice of disgusting, toxic gameplay.

Enjoy BFA.


tanks role in pve is to tank, not to do damage

the same way abomb remembers dps not healing, I also remember vividly tanks doing almost no damage

but that would mean abomb cant rack up free kills so thats a no go, NeRf EvEryOnE!!!1! (except me)

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Bingo!! If the Devs won’t nerf the most broken spec of all time then matters must be taken into our own hands and play something completely dirty. Whatever works.

That is actually incorrect and the Devs boosted Tank damage across the board years ago in the redesign because they felt in PvE their role was to play a big part in damage. They actually changed threat to be more about DAMAGE done by the tank. That is why they have good damage because that was a CLEAR design choice.

That is why they designed Echoing void and TD to make sure Tanks had access to great class role Damage corruption in order to hold THREAT and to be competitive damage dealers in Mythic+

Knowing is half the battle.

giving dps self heals was also a CLEAR design choice
making destro (and other dps) tanky was a CLEAR design choice

funny how you’re extremely selective in what you consider CLEAR design choices and bad design choices

even for a career troll you’re an absolute fruitcake


That wasn’t a design choice it was an accident because of not realizing scaling and talents boosting from multiple sources.

Funny how you play a lock and defend the most broken spec in the history of the game. It’s gross. When players see a lock their reaction is Ewwwwwwwww. Just so you know.

Fix Destro!!

They made the scaling system.

They made the talents.

They knew.

Yikes… No most of the stuff implemented in the game they didn’t know. Just like they didn’t know that Ineff Truth corruption would have synergistic effects on reducing HoJ and other abilities… Until it happened. Then they were going to fix it but then held off.

There is tons of situations that have popped up that they didn’t know about.

yeah man, demon armor and soul leech and mastery are purely by accident
could dive into other specs too if you want

I play more than just a lock and I dont defend it but your thick skull cant tell the difference between wanting sensible nerfs and running something into the ground



Definitely yikes…


he’s got to be trolling… there’s simply no way you can be this stupid

edit actually there is, maining tank specs for a decade lolol


It’s 2020. Anything is possible.


I think everyone should play BM, Guardian till Locks go away if there aren’t going to be fixes.

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Both are accurate statements. 8.3 is the best PvP we have had since WoD because of build options and gear mattering a lot. Corruption has really spiced up PvP. Everyone should play BM and Guardian till locks go away.

Just imagine how much better 8.3 PvP can be without Destro :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Right. It’s the best and everyone should play 2 specs.

Y’all should come play a shadow priest, it might make you a little more appreciative of what you got.

Arms is well equipped for destro

I actually want to play WLX right now, but with a disgusting Destro for Fel Fissure.