Downvoting was a better solution than flagging posts

All they need to do is make flagging not auto-hide a comment, but if you flag it it will hide it for you, personally.

That removes the power for people to maliciously and forcefully hide comments that they just don’t like, regardless of if they’re not breaking the rules or not. Without that power, there would be less false flags (I would hope), because there is no alternate benefit to flagging a post other than to let the moderators know that someone might be breaking a rule.


I like that idea Airc. As long as it doesn’t have an interaction with the way other people can see it I’m down.

I have my doubts on whether it will stop posts from being flagged otherwise, but hey I’m open to giving it a shot.

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Na, just give me a true freaking ignore how hard is it blizzard…

Especially when they apparently won’t do anything about people inappropriately flagging posts they just don’t like.

I disagree, enjoy your flag. /s

I’m shocked they have not brought it back yet to be honest. They laid so many staff from the forums off that there is very little left and the task of moderating this forum is already difficult enough without them having to constantly have staff un flag posts all day as well as it would free them up to deal with the posts the reporting system was intended for to begin with.

If they brought the downvotes back it would bring problems of it’s own like people brigading with it to downvote people they don’t like etc… but that is far better than what we have right now.

Classic Blizzard though right, they just assume the community won’t find a more toxic way to accomplish the same thing.
Can’t dislike? Guess we’ll just report lol.

People are crazy.

To be honest that wouldn’t really change too much. Most views on the forums are from people who typically don’t engage as far as I’m aware.

Most people might just leave a like, or in the other case, dislike/report.
I’m not sure taking away that option is really going to encourage people to talk up and say “sorry mate, you’re wrong”

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Both are dumb. People should either write something or leave.

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Agree but I’d prefer to see both upvotes and downvotes. If 70 agree with you and 100 disagree, then the topics worth discussion clearly, yet you wouldn’t know since you only see -30 in the count.

It was said that it was used to bury posts with which groups of people did not agree, without presenting any dialogue about their disagreements and or offering a dialogue on the subject.

Downvote was seen as an inhibitor of debates on the ideas presented.
And as we can see, the people who made the system abusive have turned to the flag system.

Hurray our community, for always finding ways to be toxic, corrupting the system created to prevent abuse.

I am not against the return of the downvote, but he should no longer remove or hide someone’s posts, no matter how negative they are.

well what’s the point of a forum if the “unpopular opinions” will be hidden then… lets just turn into reddit nothing but echo chambers and hiveminds alike.

That’s why it is a bad idea.

The entire +1/-1 needs to be removed anyway.

I dont even want to bother thinking how to fix the “trust system” anyway I don’t get paid for it.


That thing is a mess. I was T3 and I lost it. I asked to where my offending post was, but saying ‘just don’t break the CoC’ never really helped me get any closer to that.

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I’m surprised nothing is flagged in this thread.

For real. It’s a forum - the entire idea is to have a discussion - to use your words to communicate about a thing you like (in this case, WoW).

Even with downvotes, just making a downvote without ever arguing a point leads to fairly stagnant discussion. Just look at Reddit. If you’re not one of the first half-hours’ worth of posts, you may as well not bother.

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Some ppl try to mass flag me and end up locking the thread. Happened too many times now .

People like having gold stars because it makes them feel special. being honest when to comes to liking posts, disliking posts or flagging posts it should be based on account & not character. That’s where a lot of the abuse is coming from. Remember one thread some one was just mass liking comments that they made with their own characters which is some thing that shouldn’t even happen.

I haven’t seen 20 threads by vanilla or ralph in several days now, so I’d say the system is working perfectly fine.

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If I can give a simple thumbs up to an idea to express agreement, I shouldn’t need more than that to expressed the opposite.

Besides, between now and the nuclear death of the sun, there is not enough time for every disagreeable thing on these forums to get dissected and autopsied.