Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

Don’t put the amount of time you can sink into honor farming as making it ok. Not everyone can sink 8+ hours into farming on a game.

The exception doesn’t make the Rule!

can we see some improvement to the honor kills component of the equation.

I read somewhere that the Saph double damage bug was fixed. I can’t provide any confirmation for you though. Sorry

Is Jay Wilson working on this game?!

Double it!


Not everyone gets everything. This isn’t preschool. You want the gear, play. If not get the weapons at least and have a good time in TBC.

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Good, now fix honor gained from honorable kills and we are good


Not exactly. Just almost free. That’s why they’re crying for the 10x it was originally which anyone could see was way too much


this isnt fixing the HK issue at all… WE ARE ALL SCOUTS AND PRIVATES SO WE GET EITHER 0 OR 1 HONOR 1 * 2 = 2 1 * 2 = 2 * 2 = 4. Seriously that’s still not what the correct values of any HKS are supposed to be. 0 * 2 = 0 * 4 = 0. So your amazing idea of “Fixing” this is a joke you haven’t fixed anything.

Not even close blizzard. So now we’ll get 8 honor for killing a rank 14?

Ok cool cool cool cool… nice

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Thank you for listening!

Buff it more, this is not nearly enough.

Its so crazy how beggy and choosy people can be lol Get geared out in 1 day then what do you do complain there is no content? Please.

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I need clarity on this. When u say double, are you saying double the current amount or are you saying the nerf is being changed from 10x to 5x, because option A is a joke and option B is acceptable.


The honor kills are correct because its a new season, so no one should be worth what they were last season. But the honor earned for winning is wrong, it wasn’t 10x higher than it was in OG TBC Pre-patch.

They didnt listen.


You mean you realized you did something really stupid and are now (partially) reversing course within 48 hours? Wow … didn’t see that coming … oh wait, yes I did, lol. :rofl:

There arent enough hours in a single day to farm all the marks needed for a full set.
Stop trolling.

Thank you for the much needed correction. You would be really effective working for blizz but they prefer hiring slaves that hate the players

This is good. I approve of all of these changes. Thank you.

so how much honor per av win after buff? 1000? 2000?