DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

He argued with his GM over whether or not he was an alt. He also spat the dummy over a bag. Lastly, he made yet another thread to publicise his drama.

There’s no self reflection, there’s not even self awareness.

I remember when I played on Arcinite Reaper . I was in a guild called Gladitor and the dumb GM looted me Judgement pants on accident even though I wanted them. So I kept them. They blacklisted me but transfers opened up and I was able to go play with friends. I havnt seen judgement pants ever since. Im so glad I got those pants because I deserved them. People whispered me saying ill never raid again! I then joined a guild and got full t2 and almost full 2.5. Suckers

Anyways, Im on kades side here.Dudes a little unstable and pridful but w.e. Ive read this entire thread

  1. Its no ones business what toons you play.
  2. If you disagree with looting you can leave when ever you want.
  3. He rolled on the Ony bag and won. I dont care if he got full t1 gear and the hand of rag. He won the roll and its his choice to be greedy or not. He will see the tier 1 stuff next week but may never see the ony bag. Its your responsibility as raid leader to set loot rules. If it was an open roll and he won, he won.

Kaine, I’ve read the entiriety of this silly thread, and right or wrong, win or lose, one thing is abundantly clear to me.

You need to move on.

Let’s say I got shafted by my guild in a huge way, so much so that it caused us to part ways. I would find another guild, and continue playing.

Life is way too short to hold onto grudges, and grudges are poison to the soul.

This isn’t about who’s right or wrong here. This is about re-balancing the board. Let the other guilds enforce their rules if they want: you don’t have to play with them again. Find people you want to play with, that share your opinions.


Each guild has their own rules. Of course you can leave when you like but it’s bad form to complain about it relentlessly in LFG.

Dude creates a new thread every time he isn’t handed gear.

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Its even worse to have an open roll and not give it to the winner.

The dude can complain. Hes allowed to but nina looting something he won to another is wrong. If it was open roll he won the ony bag.


A lot of guilds do roll to core raiders only. More bag space helps carry gear and consumables.

Ninja looting does not exist in guild formats. It’s not your personal gear until you obtain it. A Blizz GM will not deal with loot distributed by guilds.

As another poster has mentioned, OP is the reason why players have trial periods. No use giving loot to someone who will bail at the first opportunity.

If that wasnt established before the raid. Then its ninja looting


When you join a guild run, you give your power to your GM and/or ML.

No, 40 people all come together to agree on loot rules.

If your raid leader says its an open roll but someone cant roll on it because he was given other gear that raid leader is wrong. If your GM and ML wants to show an extreme lack of honor they are free to. Doesnt change they ninja looted an item won by another.


It’s redundant. You gave power to those who hold more responsibility than yourself.

I agree.

But that doesnt change the fact the raid leader is scum for not giving the item to th person who won the roll. When that same leader said it was open roll.


No, you didn’t deserve them: you just admitted you didn’t. You may agree or disagree with the loot distribution, but don’t for a moment mistake your sense of entitlement for a genuine right.

I deserved them because I spent the same 2 hours in that raid.

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If that sentence ends with anything other than “it was pre-arranged”, then you didn’t deserve them.

Again, agree or disagree with the loot rules, but disliking something doesn’t give you a right to overrule it.

Two sides to every story.

It was open rolls and I won. I deserved them

If it was an “open roll” then how did you get them by a mistake from the GM?

Because I was playing as Ret and was told I wasnt allowed to roll on them. It was the only item i wanted in MC.

Guilds often plan ahead further than just a 2 hour raid. You’re free to join a pug if you wish to have responsibility only to your self.

Or I could just take them like I did and LOL at the GM because those were my pants and the loot Gods gave them to me.