DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

I transferred my shaman to a server where the entire server has my warrior permanently blacklisted…and you can’t grasp why I wouldn’t want to tell anyone I now have a shaman on that server? You can’t be serious. Are you trolling me?

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I’m sure he wont get dumpster’d by Sally.

She sees the good in everyone…

Unless she’s flaying them alive with the light.

It’s a pretty big server, so he could probably go through most of the server before he’s out of options…by then TBC will be ready to launch.

So you were purposely trying to keep your identity a secret because you knew people wouldnt want to raid with you if they knew who you really were.

You were being dishonest for your own benefit and no one else’s, and you’re angry that when you were found out, you were given the boot.

Not feeling much sympathy, here.


Why did you transfer to a server where the ‘entire server’ had you blacklisted? Really curious behind the thought process here. Like at that point you go to a different server, but instead you took a character from a different server to the one where guilds don’t seem too fond of you

Probably because I was on Netherwind before I joined a guild on Kromcrush and specifically remember everyone mocking you for your behavior.

So @me when you make another, “This server was mean to me so i need internet compliments to make me feel like it wasn’t my fault” thread.

Do I need to draw you a picture? My warrior is permanently blacklisted on that entire server…if I told them my warrior and shaman are the same person my shaman would be permanently blacklisted too. You can call it being dishonest…I call it the only way I’d be able to raid on that server with a few of my friends.

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Guess you should have thought about your friends a little more before you made a fool of yourself the first time around.


Even if you could keep it a secret and play under a new alias, if you keep acting poorly, it’ll soon catch back up with you.


Yes, please draw us a graphic novel of Kade’s adventures on Deviate Delight


Don’t mind if i do.

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Let’s go over what I did “poorly”…

Left a guild without saying anything in discord nor chat because they gave an item I out rolled everyone for…to someone else.

Then that GM tells my main’s GM to kick me because he’s mad that I left his guild.

Yea man…I’m just out of control.

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Left guild after not being handed a bag, after receiving multiple pieces in prior raids.

Brought drama to LFG and GD forums, expects to be taken seriously by other players.

You have no filter.


You left out the part where you had an epic meltdown in a global chat channel because you didn’t get the item you wanted…


At some point in this guy’s life, I like to think he’ll develop the emotional intelligence to realize there’s a difference between whether feeling one has done something wrong to others, and whether others around you feel wronged by your behavior.

I’m not saying you have to internally agree all the time with other people…but part of co-existing and getting ahead in WoW (and in the real-world) involves navigating these social currents.

Ever hear the phrase…“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

If you’re tired of crashing on the rocks of the eternal shore, MAYBE LEARN TO STEER BETTER.

People who are savants or technical geniuses have a little more leeway in terms of how far they can get without those social skills, but even they end up having their potential limited (sometimes severely) because they lack them.

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I’m hoping he decides to bring his paladin to Grobbulus so me n my team can give him a warm and toasty welcome


Tough to do with used toilet paper.

I once pooped in Beeswax’s cheerios, and wasn’t blacklisted.

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That makes you a hero of the alliance :stuck_out_tongue:

i have a positive record again a rogue with Windseeker legendary weapon.

Matter of fact its my most killed rogue sitting at 8 kill for 4 lost.

Word up

Not to belabor this post, everyone, but the above representation needs some more attention.

From the horse’s mouth, OP joined a new guild and was tacking with the wind. You can’t harp on OP to “turn a new leaf,” “address his bad reputation,” self-reflect, etc. when doing so didn’t get him any breaks. By this own officer’s account, OP was doing well until the other guild stirred the pot and got him kicked- again. That this guild made up this alt drama excuse is beside the point.