DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

Oh look More of Kades low level alts “showing support”.

If its not your alt…man how convenient for you that all these low level alts are hanging around the forums to support you! I mean that must be the ONLY thing the do…Nagual only has 125 total posts…

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The fact is this Kade fellow stirring the pot about that stigmatashkandi is all a smoke screen to distract you from the real issue on Deviate Delight which of course, is MAIL FRAUD. The amount of money laundering on this server is out of control and everyone here knows it. There’s definitely something amok with the mail sorting system. It’s not cute, it’s not just and I’m gonna put a stop to it.


It’s those damn goblins, I’m telling you, they cannot be trusted.

Wait, who are you? Never heard of you until today. I went to YouTube seeing if I could find any information and found nothing

Just stop the infernal gold sellers clogging up my mailbox

But to our surprise Sid vehemently denies and doubles down on not being an alt of Kade. decided this is in bad faith and a gross breach of trust. We decide to part ways with Kade.

Sounds reasonable, especially considering Kade outed himself in this thread as being said shaman. A well adjusted individual should have no problem admitting who their main and alt is.

But what is this supposed to mean?

At this point was able to confirm and tip us off that Sid is actually Kade.
is a progression guild. As our War Effort nears completion we want to make sure all our raiders have their priorities aligned with us, or otherwise reach come sort of compromise.

I don’t see how having an alt raiding in a second guild has anything to do with anything you said. I have numerous people in my guild who raid with a different guild on an alt. So long as raid night times don’t conflict there’s no reason you should need to “reach come sort of compromise.” Either bench him if he doesn’t show, or let him be. But so long as he shows up with buffs (if you do that) and consumes on time, who cares what his alts do?

The funny part is that this is the only character I use for the forums. Don’t get so triggered because people want to support me without getting punished by their guild or server for doing so.

You’re the troll who kept stealing crusader mats back in phase 2. I remember. And I’m in Lifted-If you could read. And I don’t care about alts…I don’t care how many characters you have. However, if you’re in my guild, and I hear you’ve done something scummy on an alt-then I do care. Because it’s YOU controlling those actions. YOU are held accountable for your actions. Not your “alt”.


Considering you made a post about being double blacklisted on Netherwind, then complained on the new server you didnt get a BiS weapon while you were being carried by as a day 1 trial.

You deserve it tbh.

Now transfer again and I’ll be waiting to see your, “I’ve been blacklisted on X server again because everyone’s a dictator” post.

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This is the most important reply out of all the replies. Notzombina from the guild that my warrior was in admitting that their guild was told by the GM (the only guy who knew) of my Shaman’s guild that I left…that my Shaman and Warrior are the same person.

So not only do my screenshots PROVE that my Warrior’s GM was being contacted by Ribbit’s GM pressuring him to kick me…but here we have evidence from Notzombina of a pissed off GM in Ribbit (again the only guy who knew) contacting my Warrior’s guild to get me kicked and blacklisted.

Not only that but Notzombina goes on to say that “As our War Effort nears completion we want to make sure all our raiders have their priorities aligned with us”…meaning that they want you solely focused on their guild and not another guild that your alt is in. So this guy finally admits EXACTLY what I’ve been saying this entire time and all of this is backed up by the screen shots.

This pathetic guild was going to kick me because their GM was under pressure from Ribbit to do so. Then this guild’s spineless coward of a GM was going to use the excuse that they kicked me because I didn’t prioritize their guild over my alt. So when my Warrior’s GM started whispering my Shaman I already knew what he was going to do. So of course I told him it’s not my Shaman and none of his business what alts I have. Which it IS NOT ANY OF HIS BUSINESS! The GM was going to kick me either way because he was pressured by another GM to do so. It was always going to be a lose lose situation…and they know that. Now Notzombina is saying they just wanted to know who my green geared shaman was so they could help him out…oh please…stop lying. The evidence is overwhelming. Someone in elementary school can connect these dots.

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Wait, seriously? He stole crusader mats back when orbs were 30 gold each? How?

Never played on Netherwind and never stole crusader mats. I like how people just make stuff up and most believe them. So now this officer in a guild is just straight up lying about me and people will believe it because he’s an officer. Like how Ribbit’s GM contacted my Warrior’s GM to get me kicked out of the guild. Real classy people playing this game.

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Haters gonna hate brotha, keep going with it.The more hate you get towards you the more powerful you’ll become.Stay subscribed and continue what you’re doing!


If you were in my guild, I’d appreciate being contacted too.

O really?

So this isn’t you then?



This is my 60 after I transferred him (months ago) I had to change the name…the 55 on the original post is from my old server. The only reason I transferred my Ret Pally off the server is so I could level with my friends on the Horde side.

You transferred the paladin off Netherwind to level your crap tier shaman. You then also had his named changed from Kade to Kaine which is easiest fact checked within your own post.

You then followed Naxx Tour Guide and IFDT off Netherwind to play horde on DD for some bizarre reason to play your F tier fury warrior that made claims like, this guild that has an average throughout of 3x what you parse couldn’t keep threat off you? Which is obviously a blatant lie.

Besides the massive amount of people from not only Kromcrush but Netherwind and DD calling you out for it on multiple posts, you’re easily trackable.

Like I said I’ll be waiting another two months for your, “I was banned again on X server because people are mean to me because clearly I am not the problem.”


That’s me but I don’t know where it says I played on Netherwind. I leveled a 60 Warrior on Kromcrush named Kaine…deleted him to keep the name…then leveled a 60 Shaman on Kromcrush named Kaine. If you go on the Kromcrush Horde and ask who Kaine is they will all know me…yes I am that famous on that server. The last guild I was in was GOONZ and the GM’s name is Blkraven…ask him about me. I then transferred the Shaman and Warrior to Deviate Delight and Transferred my 60 Paladin from Benediction to Kromcrush to kill Horde people I didn’t like. On Benediction I was in the guild Taco Bell and the GM is Moarboltz. Never once played on a server called Netherwind.

Infamy =/= fame.

What server are you planning on going to next when your 90 days are up?


If its no big deal, then why did you hide it from them?

Can’t wait for when his world tour brings him to Whitemane.

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