DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?



Bro-I’m from Kromcrush and don’t know you so don’t say you’re “famous”. You’re delusions of grandeur are very entertaining as of late. I am an officer of a top raiding guild on Kromcrush and I 10000% hold people accountable when it comes to their alts, in the guild…or not. If we have a member being toxic or say…ninja an item on an alt-that people know who their main is and is in our guild, I 100% care and investigate that even if it was done on a character NOT in the guild. YOU represent whatever guild ANY of your characters are in…ACCOUNT WIDE. So if you mess around on an alt, of course that guild on your main should be made aware of the person YOU are. In the end…it’s YOU playing the characters. The guild doesn’t care if it’s a main, an alt, or a bank alt. It’s YOU, the CONTROLLER, they care about and your actions. You are looking at this completely wrong by saying “it’s not their business WHO my alt is”. It’s 10000% their business if your reputation has been tarnished…by yourself. Then having ANY of your characters in their guild is a representation of them. And they didn’t want to be represented by you and it seems as if you don’t quite understand that. I’m sorry bro, but I believe you’re in the wrong here man.


I have no idea what i just read, but I am mildly amused

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I did read them. The fact that you believe they paint you in a positive light explains alotttttt, actually.


I played way more on my Horde Undead Warrior Kaine on that server, but also I doubt you know most of the people on a high pop server. Saying I’m not famous because you yourself haven’t heard of me…made me laugh.

Then please tell me what guild you are in so I can make sure to never join it. Alts in other guilds have nothing to do with you or your guild. It’s a 15 year old game…as someone said before…lighten up. There is no need to stalk people on their alts that aren’t even in your guild or kick them because their alt joined a guild you don’t like, etc… For a grown man to be worried about what someones alt did in another guild or which guild his alt joined…is EXTREMELY petty and immature. This is a game man…not a job.

This might be hard for someone like you to comprehend…but a lot of us want to play on alts to just have fun and escape people we know on our mains or escape people spamming us with whispers…or even in some cases escape reputations we have on our mains and start over. I know a streamer personally that plays on alts so he doesn’t get spammed with whispers every time he logs on. I know a girl who logs on her alts so that her main’s guild doesn’t spam her with messages about things they need for raids. People don’t always want you to know who they are on every single character they play.

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There is ONE thing I will agree on :smiley: Y’all can buzz off with wanting to know all of a person’s alts lol. It’s none of your business. It’s Classic, and this game is NOT that hardcore. Grow up.


Notzombina said in LFG chat last night:
“It is our guilds business to know how many alts you have and the names of your alts on the server. The reason for this is because we don’t want people with alts in other guilds in our core raiding group…because we want those people to be solely focused on the progression in our guild and not distracted from that.” (An example of this is spending a significant amount of time to help another guild farm for raids instead of helping NotZombinas guild or skipping raids that you dont need gear from…and instead going raiding with your alts guild when people in Notzombinas guild still need gear from that raid you skipped. I could go on and on)

Then Notzombina went on to say…and continues to say…

“Kade was kicked from our guild because he did not tell us the truth about having an alt Shaman. Since he lied to us we had to kick him from the guild.”

Now anyone with a brain can clearly see this is a lose lose situation. If you tell them that you have a 60 Shaman raiding they will kick you from their guild because you are not focused solely on their guilds progression. And if you tell them that you don’t have an alt…they will kick you from the guild for lying to them. By the way…when their GM messaged me and I trolled him for an hour…I already knew that he knew the Shaman was my alt because my previous GM told him that. He’s the only one that knew the Shaman was my alt…which is why this GM messaged me. I knew I was going to get kicked from their guild no matter how I answered that question. Their Guild Leader even said in the screen shots that other Guild Masters were talking to him about me.

So here’s the real question Notzombina will never answer…if your guild does not care if core raiders have level 60’s in other guilds…then why care if core raiders have level 60 alts at all? It has NOTHING to do with you!

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What’s this?

Yeah… and?

Why would guilds of the same faction not communicate with eachother?

But in one of those screenshots, its mentioned that you weren’t a raider, so how would you even be a core raider.


That’s flatly not true, we have raiders right now who have negotiated time shares with other guilds with their alts.

We also care because we feel like we can easily provide for any alt you decide to bring with your main into our guild. It is understandable if you want to play with other people and we respect that.

This is the bottom line Kade: You want guilds not to treat you like an alt and give you a fair chance at gear.

However you want to join multiple guilds on multiple alts and treat those guilds like alt-guilds and not have to disclose if you’re giving them a fair share of your contribution/time.


Are you being serious right now lol? We are not only talking about 2 different guilds…but the question itself was hypothetical. The question is “If Notzombina’s guild doesn’t care if you raid on level 60s alts in other guilds…then why do they care how many level 60 alts you have or what their names are? What’s the point?”

Let’s get the crowd chanting. I’ll start:


Accept your own accountability. How many guilds have you had a bad experience with now?

Look deep inside yourself, bro.

Blacklists aren’t set in stone. It’s no ones fault but your own if nobody wants to play with you. Try turning a new leaf, your current track isn’t working out for you.

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Thats their policy. It doesnt matter why it exists. If you didnt like it, you shouldnt have joined - you dont get to join anyways, lie to avoid having said policy apply to you, then complain when you’re kicked.

No. That’s not completely true. You are leaving out key ingredients to your story.

Kromcrush is Horde heavy but the Alliance are well organized and holding their own to a degree. It’s a delicate balance that can easily go completely lopsided faction wise.

BOTH Horde and Alliance advised this guild not to come. It’s a matter of server health and community. It was pretty clear and straightforward. You don’t have to agree with the sentiment.

They came anyway. Horde abandoned them and Alliance camped them into the ground. We actually want back and forth World PVP…well, most of us anyway. Lol. Not a 90/10 server, like some have become.

So, not the same at all. More like…

I’m coming to your party…
Don’t. I didn’t invite you…,
I’m coming anyway…

Why’s everyone so mean to me?

Not exact but you get my point.

Look at this sweet heart. It had nothing to do with your 60 alts in other guilds…causing you to be distracted from helping with your main guilds progression. Notzombina says the truth is that they just wanted to go out of their way to help your green geared alt. That is why it’s so important for them to know who all of your alts are. Isn’t that just the cutest thing that you’ve ever heard? Can anyone else smell BS from a mile away?


That’s pretty much every thread the op posted. Could not agree more.


Lookin’ forward to that new Deviate Delight, gonna be PIFF!

here we go with this again :frowning:

ok who is this and what is he talking about