DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

Lmao yes it is

Someone directly involved already posted screenshots and explained the whole debacle. Seeing the language you actually used only further indicated to me that my original hunch was correct.


There are screenshots…

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The issue here is that it was an Ony bag. There was no nexus crystal to be had. Also, there are screenshots of the conversations at hand.
I get that the guy is a troll, but this time he is right.


Your server reputation was of utmost importance in Vanilla. If you’re experiencing this level of disgust on DD, time to move to a new server. At least you can transfer instead of having to start over fresh… but find out what you did wrong to upset the server and don’t do it again.

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Do you dislike Kaine/Kade? Do you wish you had the opportunity to just kick his A$$?

Well now you do! I am LionÖ and my value proposition is as follows;

You pay 20G for the opportunity to duel Kade. He gets to determine which of his toons he duels you on.
I will broker the fight and seek to capture value by taking 5G for myself. The rest goes to him so he can afford to join GDKP raids and get all the loots his coin purse can afford.

Any member is free to record or stream the event. What do you say? Ready to take your anger out in a constructive way?


The issue was that he was invited solely to gether loot that would have been trashed. As for the bag, it was explained to him before hand that only members were eligible.

He still rolled because he felt entitled and threw a tantrum afterwards.

He is incapable of distinguishing between guilds doing him a favor and thinking is a full fledged raider.


Might want to reread. He gquit the one guild with his one toon. Then the guild leader from that guild figured out his Shaman was in a different guild, messaged that guild, and got him kicked from that guild. And let’s be real, the guild leader of the guild his Shaman was in was looking for literally any reason to kick him. He could have been as civil as this conversation and he was getting kicked.
Reputation matters, but he is right in this case. If he had been behaving himself in the guild where his Shaman sat, gquitting the other guild should have no bearing on that status.

It’s the person behind the toon that matters. If he is being antisocial on one toon (he is) those consequences should rightfully follow him around no matter which character he decides to pilot.

If guild B decides to kick him because guild A shared their experience with him…that’s the system working as intended. That’s a good thing. Actions have consequences, and he did a poor job trying to escape those consequences.

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Disagree. If he has been a good citizen in guild B and gets kicked solely for the reason that guild A’s guild leader is being a spiteful dck (because that’s exactly what this is), then that is definitely not the system working as intended. You seem to be giving the first guild’s leader a pass on this. People quit guilds all the time. This guild leader made it personal and got him kicked from a second guild. That’s spite. Plain and simple. I am not about to give either guild leader a pass for what amounts to trashing some dude because he left your guild for not getting an Ony bag and then (assuming op is telling the truth) said absolutely nothing about it to anyone in any chat.

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This guy has given more than enough evidence willingly over 4 or 5 different threads that he is an awful guild mate. He has started drama with multiple characters over multiple realms and started multiple forum threads every time.

Sharing that information and letting another guild kick him because the odds of him continuing this pattern is a good thing.


Oh, come on, would YOU like to have OP in your guild?


The guy definitely is a magnet for loot drama brought on mostly by his own impatience with waiting for the guild to feel him out. I am not arguing against that. But this situation is different. Guild B’s guild leader had said he was doing well. Guild B made the determination to kick him solely on the word of Guild A’s guild leader. And Guild A’s leader decided to tell Guild B’s leader about it because he was being spiteful over him leaving Guild A.

I have had players like the OP in my guilds and for the most part it has been fine. They get dramatic over loot, they leave. I could care less whether they do or don’t stay as long as they perform while they are in the raid. Especially if it is a guy like this who shows up, doesn’t talk, and really just wants loot for doing so. That’s a mercenary. If he sucks, he gets cut. If he is good, he gets loot and can stick around. He causes drama, he gets cut. I honestly don’t see how this is difficult. I flat out don’t cut him because some dude in Guild A is pissed he left over not getting an Ony bag.

No. He demands loot on his first run in new guild and then gquits when he does not get his way. He’s done this MULTIPLE times now. If another guild’s leadership brought this to my attention I would kick him on the spot and thank the other guild for helping me dodge a bullet.

Your reputation does not vanish if you change toons or guilds. That’s a good thing.


This is a lie. Also, the guild explained why I didn’t get the bag in discord…which I mentioned multiple times in this post and it has nothing to do with that.

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Nice and healthy discussion you guys are having, but I can’t help but correct the record:

OP was kicked from guild B for lying and acting in bad faith.

I understand this is a long thread and people skim to the bottom, but please give my account of what really happened a read. Thanks.


And that’s your call. I don’t happen to agree. Players are in it for any kind of reason. It isn’t my job to try to make this some kind of family.

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If I was running a guild. I would rather turn all that wasted loot into enchanting mats to help raiders who have proven themselves instead of giving it away to a guy who will leave the guild the second they don’t get their way.

A nexus crystal is more valuable to a guild than a known flake.


The problem is that most guilds don’t want that kind of member. They want both the member and the loot they give him to stick around, which leads to more/smoother split runs and less time spent on current content, and they DEFINITELY don’t want to deal with replacing members every time there is a disagreement over loot. Imagine in Mythic progression: you’re going to be raiding with the same 19-25 people for months, if not years. Would you want him to be one of the 19? If you get even two guys like that raid nights will be bitter instead of fun and progression will stall.

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LOL I’m the one who gave them those screenshots in discord! You obviously didn’t even read them.

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