DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

Really I think the OP’s story demonstrates EXACTLY what people love about classic. In retail you could probably get away with acting like a turd and still LFR your way into a lot of groups.
But this is classic. There is a community and your actions have consequences. Sorry you had to learn the hard way… 7+ times.


You seem to have this distorted idea that I “made a scene”. Let me try this again…neither my Shaman nor my Warrior ever talk in guild chat nor discord. There are no “scenes” to be had. What happened was my Shaman won the roll on an item they gave to someone else so I simply left that guild. No scene. That GM then whispered the GM of my main’s guild and told him who my Shaman was and to kick me. This is like 1+1=2 math…it’s really not that hard.

Whatever makes you feel better, bud.

you made your bed, now you’ve gotta lie in it.


And you demonstrate exactly why Blizzard decided to go a different direction. Blizzard understands that blacklisting people from a video game to the point that they want to cancel their subscription is retarded. Blizzard thankfully removed most of the political aspects of WoW and allowed everyone to enjoy the game without fear of being banned server wide due to an absurd social justice system.

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I would say that was an unfortunate and much decried side-effect of their efforts to increase accessibility, rather than deliberate intent. And, once again, it’s a large reason why people enjoyed classic more. Sorry you lack the social skills to thrive in such am environment. Maybe you’ll learn some day. :man_shrugging:


Summary: “I’m angry there are consequences to being an antisocial man child”


I disagree. I’ve seen entire guilds disband due to being blacklisted from servers. This happened on the Horde side of Kromcrush. A large guild transferred to the server and all of the guilds on the server banned together to blacklist that guild until it fell apart. I believe the guild’s name was Swamp and the server’s larger guilds made multiple youtube videos showing how the large guilds on the server banned together and went out of their way to destroy that guild. They spammed chat channels shouting “DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!”. Blizzard meant to remove the political aspects of this game that destroyed people’s experience. It didn’t happen just by a fluke. They knew exactly what they were doing.

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Go to the version of the game where political aspects of the game aren’t destroying people’s experience then.

It seems pretty clear that a majority of people who have dealt with you want nothing to do with you anymore so maybe its time to walk away.


these threads would be more fun if youi didnt constantly change and edit your titles and posts.

keep on shinning, you superstar!


If you never spoke, you wouldn’t be in the situation you’re in.


what really puzzles me if why of all servers you would choose an rp server to behave this way on. RP servers are generally much more tightly knit and much less tolerant of folks who come in seeking to cause trouble as its the only real way to maintain the RP ruleset.

if you did this type of stuff on a pvp megaserver like whitemane, herod, or faerlina, it’d barely register as a blip on the server radar. Somehow though, I think you’d consider that a net negative. Attention is clearly what you’re after here, whether good or bad.

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I’d just like to say that without people like OP my guild wouldn’t have a trial period.

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Even on a megaserver there is no way a guy with multiple instances of refusing to behave like a normal person would keep getting invited to guilds. All it takes is one person linking this thread to the officers and he’d instantly get kicked out of any guild I know.


you’d be surprised. we’ve definitely got a few like op on whitemane. id never invite them myself, but there are such an absurd quantity of raiding guilds here and new ones popping up everyday that im pretty sure even a convicted murderer could find a raiding spot on this server. you might be in a new guild every week, but it would take a longgg time to run out of them.

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As someone who is participates in the Horde LFG chat, Kade is indeed a much talked about celebrity on our server.

If a few minutes go by without much conversation, someone might shout out #justiceforkade.

We love our Palookas!

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Not really, if enough people like you join an MMORPG normal people start leaving it.


You were never eligible to roll. He probably just gave it to the second-highest roller.

This particular variety of clown always makes me laugh when im running a raid. You make clear indicators of who is eligible to roll, they roll anyways knowing they arent eligible, then they get mad when you dont award them the item and try to cry foul.

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And its always that person thats going to create the most drama that wins those rolls too


I like how people who weren’t in the raid nor guild claim to know if someone was eligible for a roll or not.

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