DoT Based Havoc come 9.2?

– I’d like to start by saying that this is more for PvP than PvE. And more based around 3s than it is 2s, although, it could probably work there as well.

– I think most everybody that plays into DH or plays DH in PvP can’t stand The Hunt, it’s super boring when your spec revolves around one ability, for the most part. So I theorycrafted a DoT based build that could be fun to play, even if not optimal since The Hunt is just so cracked.

– Covenant: Venthyr
– Soulbind: Nadjia
– Conduits: Growing Inferno / Increased Scrutiny / Relentless Onslaught
– Legendaries: Agony Gaze and Burning Wound
– Talents: Felblade / Demon Blades / Trail of Ruin / Netherwalk or Soul Rending / CoH / Fel Eruption / Demonic
– PvP Talents: Demonic Origins / Other two depend on match. Generally they are Mortal Dance / Unending Hatred
– Stat Prio: Vers > Haste (14-16%) > Mastery > Crit
– Comps: DH/Sp/Rsham, DH/Aff/Rdru, DH/Ele/Rdru

– How it works (Supposedly): The idea that I have in mind for this is to keep Burning Wound up on as many targets as you can, Immo Aura should be used on cd, it’ll end up being your top damage with Sinful Brand. Blade Dance should also be used on cd for Trail uptime.

– Sinful Brand itself should, (at max Increased Scrutiny) be a 32sec cd. So every 32sec you’ll have big damage on a target which shouldn’t be dispelled too often because of dispel protection from any of the casters above, with Aff being the best for that. (Shackle trinket works with baiting dispels as well if need be.)

– Agony Gaze pairs insanely well with CoH, and Relentless Onslaught. The duration increase on Brand when paired with all of that, because of Eye Beam cd is solid. Even with just one Eye Beam, you get an extra 7.5sec on your Brand. So by the time it runs out, the cd on it is halfway over.

– Applying Brand with Meta should be done when you can apply it to more than one target, as the spread damage it does at that point will be crazy. With Demonic Origins, being able to have that AoE Brand every 2min rather than 4min will be BIG.

– Again, I know this probably will not outshine The Hunt for the most part, but I think it’ll be a much more enjoyable playstyle than playing around getting cds / kills from The Hunt.

why would you get Cycle of hatred and Trail of Ruin? You’re spending too much fury for blade dance then and you need it for the chaos strike refund procs.

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