Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

I ran out of likes, so have an emoji instead. :robot:


Yeah. Not a squid face. Lol.

That’s so kind of you but the mess we got when we got Nightborne isn’t cool so now you get angry looks. :rage: :rage: :rage:

I’m only kidding but still. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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are you guys really still arguing over void elves getting more “natural” customizations options? who cares if someone wants their void elf to have blonde hair, it really is just a video game.


Well I cannot know what other characters you play now can I? You could main Alliance, and equally you could main Horde. I cannot know, so I have to see things with a logical view. If you think a squid face is good customization then I can smell some ulterior motives in there. :thinking:

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Calm down.

This is some Alex Jones level of conspiracy andy.


Because as we all know the Void hates tentacles.

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What is it with people diminishing opposition opinions, if it’s no big deal then why do you want the options?

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I am trying to decide what race to sabotage next, once I make it so that void elves have only squids for faces that is.

Maybe humans…that idea has some potential. I think I’ll give them duck lips.


I would be jealous of a squid faced void elf, but not a “clone of me” elf

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Seriously though, if people weren’t into tentacles shadow priests would be in a really rough spot.

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I can’t help but laugh :joy: I think I cried a little

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people try to diminish everyone’s opinions on both sides, wym :sob:

like i said, it’s a game. it should not be a big deal to anyone what customization options they get whatsoever.


I think this sabotaging will become your Zandalari femur.

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You do know I have no power at blizzard, right? I was simply saying, don’t assume someone can’t like something based on their gender.

Also it’s an idea for more options. Despite my joke a moment ago, even if they add it, you won’t HAVE to use it if you don’t like it.

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I mean I respect you want the options.

But if per your own words it’s not a big deal shouldn’t you be the side that lets go of the issue?

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Insightful, I will look forward to it. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Honestly, Kul Tirans suit the void theme more than anyone. Even Void Elves (ironically). Tentacles and octopi are totally Kul Tiran.


Can you imagine all them tentacle lovers running around with sexy squid faces? :upside_down_face: being like :kissing_closed_eyes:


you know that can be thrown back at you, right?

you guys are getting heated over pixels :cold_sweat: