Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

If OG Void Elves we’re exclusively blue and purple eyed.

And we gained not only blue eyes but regular-elf skin tones, along side the hints given in the rift, you connect the dots to get uncorrupted Void Elves, it’s that simple.

Unless your entire point is arguing semantics, in which case there’s 0 point in speaking to you further. :wave:


I had expected them to reply to you a quick no but the silence is speaking for itself and that’s not cool.


I think they weren’t expecting much more than to play the part of looking impartial while trying to say “I think we all do this” to distract from what was just said :confused:


My point is that there is nothing actually saying any of that. Its a guess. Its an assumption.

There is no basis for using it as true.

It is Head Canon.

There is a difference between what is canon information and what is just assumed. Blizzard has no information for us on how new Void Elves are made. None at all.


Semantics it is. :wave:

You think this is semantics?

Its truth vs. fiction.

You are saying a fiction.

We are pointing out a truth.


Your argument is, you’re the type that needs Steve Danuser himself to knock on your door and tell you what’s what.

By your logic troll customization options that clearly points to Sand and Forest trolls also means nothing because there is no open explanation for it as of yet.

So as i said:


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You keep saying need.

I don’t think that means what you think it means.


That’s actually one of the people I was talking about. They made misogynistic remarks on my gender multiple times and constantly refer to other people as racists and members of the Klan.


What the… Omg that is really ugly. Why would they even go so far out of their way to add this kind of stuff…Lots of us are girls you know, I am one and I find this really freaky sorry and I bet many others would too.


You probably shouldn’t generalize like that. Girls and women can like all kinds of things.


I hear girls are even playing shadow priests these days.


Oh no not a unique monster race! We need humans with pointy ears instead.



I believe that is allowed, as long as they are wearing a dress. If they put pants on we have to burn them though. Only witches wear pants.


On a pile of Cosmos, I assume?


So i mainly play EU and active more in EU forums but checked out here and saw this thread
in eu wow forum we have that nightborne customization thread and there are alot of amazing ideas there, there is one video that shows some nice hairstyle exchange between highborne models, in that video there is arcane infused hairstyles which i wanted for the longest time for nightborne to have (type in youtube “[Model Edit] Highborne Hairstyle Exchange (Female)” if you interested)
and it really got me hyped if they will announce new allied race customization
and so far not even a word about it so far

also warpaints for maghar orc please make it happen, allied race needs some love we all worked hard on them yet they have the least amount of customization and it just makes me sad to see it like that, though im sure blizzard planning to add


A lot of us feel Nightborne need a lot more work than hairstyles. Complete rebuild.


Tell me how new void elves are made then?

Show me where its been shown to us and explained?

Like… dude. You’re just wrong.

You can pretend however you want for your rp, but its not lore. Its not canon.

Assumptions based off of nothing are nothing.


The Leak from yesterday was real and did tell everything that did happen, including the absence of more customizations, I wouldn’t feel too bad about it since it happened yesterday and we’re going to have cosmetic covenant transmogs, we also still have tomorrow for the Q&A although I wouldn’t hold my breath about it.

That’s not very nice to say, plus I want my Vaccumface.