Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

We don’t really know if there’s actually going to be an AR update, so I wouldn’t hold my breath. It is Blizzard after all.


I’m glad Forsaken already got it with the darkshore set.

I don’t care what anyone else says, that’s our heritage armor.

…what do you mean I’m in denial?


I really hope not. They deserve a cohesive, personal race scenario like the rest of them do


I only got it for the wings and I only used them for a short time then changed it because of it not fitting the outfit anymore. Lol.

I knew as soon as I made my Nightborne Warlock, more so when I compared it to Night Elf options. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


And Blood Elves are biologically High Elves, they call themselves Blood elves.

It’s the concept of “groups” that is the separating factor here, I’m sure that’s a tough one for you to grasp.

Void Elves are the OG elves that were in the void accident, Void elf can also refer to their group as a whole, Thalassian elves who aren’t afraid to study and experiment with the Void as has been actively seen in the rift since the second you move your character, it is not exclusive to “Muh tentacle elves”.

Try again, and better.

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Considering how they’ve treated Forsaken from Cata onwards, I’m kind of glad we don’t get a scenario… I fear what they would do to drive the stake further into my withered heart.


/hugs midare in solidarity


I hope you can swim.


Deep water terrifies me.

I have to say… Night Elves and Forsaken have been beaten so badly story-wise, even in it’s been done in different ways (like one got beaten with a crowbar, while the other got beaten with a baseball bat…) it’s not fun anymore


The art team doesn’t fix gameplay related things…

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The fae set as a whole, isn’t really to my taste. With that said, the fact that it’s a bunch of separate pieces makes it incredibly versatile, especially since it’s cosmetic. I would never have bought the fae set, but I got it by virtue of my sub and have used the pants, boots, gloves and shoulders in various outfits.

Here’s an example using the wings and boots only:

Cosmetic transmog sets can be very attractive to people who care about such things because they can be used by any armor type, and being separate pieces allows a lot of freedom to mix and match. If Blizzard adds more transmog sets to the shop, and especially if those sets appeal to me as a whole, I’ll be very likely to buy them. And even if the sets on their own don’t appeal to me, depending on the pieces of the set, and how I might use them with other things, I might still be inclined to purchase them.


Tbh they let the wrath Scenario with the undercity plague doctor become the culture. I always hoped the forsaken would have been better than that, but when Metzen quit, I think they lost their way with the potential.

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It’s the fact that they’re not called “Void elves” because they haven’t actually joined the Void elves yet. There’s no example of a Void elf who is uncorrupted within world of warcraft, citing “Blood elves” and “High elves” is not doing your argument any favors here. It actually just showcases that you can’t actually provide any good examples.


Hm yes and no. The Forsaken narrative was kind of doomed from the start. Setting them up as solely focused on their revenge against Arthas essentially made it so when his death happened, and it was going to happen, they would be left at a point where they’d need to really think things through… but they didn’t, they saw Putress and went “How about this… but more cartoony?”.


Transphobia is not cool and your apology is not accepted.

Also, void elves already got a customization pass. No further work is needed.


What are you insinuating about someone with an opposing opinion you just don’t like?


Yeah, let’s not say stuff like this during a discussion.

It’s not really welcomed here.


I’m insinuating she’s disingenuous and hypocritical in her argument, she needs in-game proof, until she doesn’t, not because it’s right, but because it feeds her narrative.


This is Cezol we’re seeing. He will always try to put himself at a higher hill… even if it’s completely imaginary and doesn’t even exist.

Oh… lol.

Oh man… my tummy will hurt again :rofl: