Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Good thing thats why requests exist, since you know.

She IS the Void elf racial leader, and we DID get regular skin tones. :man_shrugging:

Mmmm if you knew even a crumb of Void elf lore you’d know since they addition theres been blood and high elves in the rift studying the void with them, so yes, there are infact, uncorrupted void elves, we can play them.

But we both know WoW lore lives exclusively in your head cannon. :heart:


Hey Grabb, I think that Bender clip applies here too.

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Guzzle doesn’t overuse clips, babes.

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I will forever find use to the clip of Bender laughing harder and there’s nothing you can do to stop me… because that one just works all too often.


Yes there is.


You folks aren’t going to run out of likes before I start posting, right?


I wanted cogs and gears as tattoos for my gnomes.


Well almost every time you use it, it’s funny and fitting so. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I really wish they’d stop spending so much artist dev time on mounts and pets. It’s boring at this point. Just give us more AR and customization. Where are the rest of the heritage armors?


I never run out of likes like run out out of likes because I use my alts now so even if this one runs out I still can hand them out on other characters. :wink: :wink: :wink:


As someone who loves hunting down mounts and pets, and who started breathing heavily to the point of near hyperventilation when I saw the backpack sloth… I can’t say I’m entirely on board with this.

However, I do agree that they need to set their priorities straight.

Nightborne are in a sad, sad state and need help, that should come first.


They’re still called “High elf” and “Blood elves” Not “Void elves” so that really means nothing. There is literally not even a single example of a uncorrupted Void elf, sorry?

An unfortunate truth is that mounts and pets have the potential to bring Blizz additional revenue when sold in the cash shop or used as incentive for 6 month subs (and then sold on the shop afterwards). Unless they sell races or customizations for races in the cash shop, they will never be given that kind of priority.

With the newly added fae cosmetic set for the 6 month sub incentive/shop purchase, I’m willing to bet we’ll see more transmog sets in the shop in the future.

I was hoping they’d say something positive about Nightborne but nothing so far and that makes me sad given I’m such a strong supporter of Nightborne getting a better player model, way more customization options, etc.

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hey. did someone already tell the op they might have forgotten about allied races in 9.1?
i dont have the heart to do it

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Unfortunately there isn’t really much pointing to ARs getting a big update.

I am in love with the sloth!


Me too omg it rides on your back


Imo, I don’t see the appeal in that set, I think it’s downright ugly, the design it’s so crowded… but then again I haven’t entirely outgrown my goth phase so that might be why I think this way.

I’m not even a fan of them but, even before I counted the options I knew they were lacking, after knowing the number, I’m sure they need a bone tossed in their direction, badly.

Honestly, that’s what I expected.


Looks like blizz has forgotten allied races in this patch. Or heritage armor for that matter…