Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

First I totally agree it’s adorable and second I legit want hair for this character because since I noticed it’s the only animal based race without hair options it bugs me now. :yum: :yum: :yum:

No we’re a crack elite squad.


While I absolutely agree that one can affect the other (and I’m leaving that vague because it goes both ways), I try to keep both things as separated as I can personally and like to focus more on what options would further accentuate their specific themes.

I’m not sure if this even makes sense but this is the best way I can put my train of thought into words.

As I said earlier, if anything, they shouldn’t be listening at all to them at this point. This is about VEs and BEs. VEs will never be High Elves, they were given the tools to RP as one and that’s where it should end. VEs customizations should be a business that concerns only those who enjoy VEs for what they are, not those who want to turn them into something they’re not.

I guess you keep ignoring that Alleria also transformed in a completely different way, but of course, you can’t let such minor detail get in the way :woman_shrugging:

I just visualized a fennec fox wearing a wig and now I’m giggling to myself… my mind works in mysterious ways :rofl:

But you’re right about that, however, I’m not sure how “Hair” would work for a vulpera really.

You and the 3-5 people that upvote you from time to time are not exactly a multitude.


I don’t know, I just know it’s weird to me that there’s not much difference from males to females with Vulpera and hair would help a little bit, at least in my mind it would.

Just adding that I want in on this. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I think we’ve learned that the “AR pass” is basically a conspiracy theory


Racial leader of the Void Elves doesn’t count because I don’t want it to, even though shes exactly what people are asking for in regards to void elf customization

Yeah, credibility lost :heart:

Thats 2. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Guess Void Elves aren’t Void Elves either.

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Linking articles won’t erase what can be seen by lieterally anyone who does Seat of the Triumvirate or the Void Elf unlocking scenario.

But I can’t expect much from you.



Oh my gosh, I would totally play it and that’s exactly what I pictured in my head. :joy: :joy: :joy:

I love it so much!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:


Actual sourced evidence doesn’t convinced my already made up mind because i’m on a mission to be against High elf customization.

Yes Midare, we know, that’s why you never had credibility to begin with. :kissing_heart:

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Yeah you keep playing that game of changing what it’s said, it’s always worked up so well for you :rofl:


Right, because “I don’t want it to” and not because everything about her character was described as something they weren’t going to give Void elves. “You want to play a fair skin, blonde hair elf? The horde is waiting for you” But yes, clearly Alleria was designed as an example for void elves.

Someone wasn’t paying very much attention.


I actually said exactly what you said.

You flat out don’t believe literal fact because you have an agenda, its really quiet simple. :man_shrugging:

So you just continue to miss the point that literally everything Ion has said in regards to lore is biased and often times lies?

We did in fact get regular toned Void Elves, we’re just missing one last part, your 2nd loss. :heart:

He also lied when he said Blue eyes are not a Blood elf option, and yet there you are, behind a disgusting red background.

Seems you continue to be nothing but wrong. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Less than 0 credibility


Are you referring to your own posts?


And because of this post…

Void options I got so far:

Chin tentacles!
Hair Tentacles as in all the hair is tentacles.
Tentacles for a mouth.
Starcursed, and n’zoth eye color.
Ethereal type wraps.
Scars that show void energy beneath the wound.
Stark White and Void Black, violets, maroon, teals, blues, near neon orange and yellows, and Void(like their tentacles), and Starcursed hair colors.
Two tone hair color starting as a void color turning into a neon color.
Void fire effects to the hair.
Shadowy gas effects.
Third eye like Aszhara.
Void mouths and other old god corruptions.
Tentacle toggle.
Standard scars.
Ear slider.
Tattoos. Void and farstrider.

Some Ethereal Wraps provided by Somand

And some voidified tentacles and stomach mouth provided by Lance!


Aww cute, we’re at the point where Lann and Midare have nothing constructive left to say.

I’ll go make tea. :ok_hand:

The stuff that plays on the actual Void theme being what Blizzard does for VEs moving forward is what I will continue to support for sure.


I love watching the art team go on and on during Blizzcon about the advanced technology they have at their disposal, and how painstakingly they crafted animations for the free mount, yet the Nightborne still exist in the sad state they were released in. Interesting priorities.


I would like to say that seeing you hitting the point where you behave in a disingenuous manner was reached, but, alas, you seem to live in said point.


I guess you’re missing the point then, right? Clearly Alleria was not intended as a representation of Void elf customization if they had no intention of actually making them look like her… and even after giving them this customization not a single NPC was added with it.

Yeah difference is that Blue eyed Blood elves have always existed among Blood elves, the only change was making it playable. Unlike “uncorrupted Void elves” which is still, to this day, nonexistant.