Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

There’s certainly more blue eyed blood elves than there are uncorrupted void elves, which honestly isn’t really a high bar considering there still isn’t any.

One is already being reflected in-game while the other is still mysteriously absent. I wonder why. Hehe


Don’t we have a new trainer too? In Orgrimmar of all places?


Reminder that the void elves were described by Blizzard as a “squad”



You should know, you’re part of every “hairstyle and color for void elves” thread. You obviously know the demand is there.

You also obviously know that hair is the most basic customization for all races in game.

It’s only petty pessimism keeping you from seeing otherwise. :man_shrugging:


10 to 0, in lore wise, is still zero.

But go ahead and reach as much as you’d like, you seemed to have missed the point entirely that Blizz did in fact add regular skin tones for void elves.

Your NPC reaching at this point is irrelevant :heart:


Are you missing all the dissenting voices?

Why would they listen to the same group twice but not the other side? BE player concerns and VE fans should be who they listen to at this point after just giving the HE community a win.

It doesn’t matter the longer it doesn’t happen the more it’s evident that it’s intentional.

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If this was true my Vulpera could have hair like other animal based race but we can’t so explain that one.

Also this isn’t an attack so don’t take it like one, I was legit asking.

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He’s doing the whole “other races have hair so we should be allowed to complete the carbon copy of BEs” argument; which so far Blizzard hasn’t even listened to because their hair options are… well Void.


I would think it’s similar to Silvermoon itself. Where lorewise it looks very different in the present but is locked in the TBC time. Blood elves got updated finally so every elf that isn’t a priest or pally could have blue eyes potentially.

Also lol you guys think allied races are getting some major customization equal to core races being updated. Gnomes got diddly squat besides skin tones every race that had fair skin got.


Not only that but they think what’s been done for VEs so far doesn’t count and trying to piggy back on the support other ARs have for options but like the difference is they aren’t carbon copies on opposite factions nor have they jumped the line with such impactful options.


Now this is what I call a customization.

Except that for all we know, that’s the point they hit in their transoformation before fully losing their mind. Tentacles don’t instantly translate into, how you would say, “durr hurr I lost my mind!”.


Except NPCs represent demographics, and not actual numbers. So every time you see a blue eyed blood elf, it’s just another example of that demographic among the Blood elf population.

While not a single Void elf was given the new customization, despite every opportunity to do so. I wonder why? :yum:

Regardless and like I said in my post it’s not an attack from me to him, it’s a legit question because it bugs me every other animal race can have hair except Vulpera.

You and Midare are hardly an army.

And you dissent to basic customization for all races because now, you’re against the erasure of your blood elves?

Not when they added void elves, and not when they gave them regular skin tones.

Nah fam, now it’s just cause you believe you’re entitled when you never have been :heart:, I’m looking forward to your fight against the machine to your inevitable 3rd loss.

You’re more animal than human, same as Tauren and worgen, they’re supposed to be one-note.

But I’m all for whatever color/hairstyle customization for any and all races, more options are never a bad thing in the game.

Barbers can literally change our gender but they lost their scissors and hair dye because Lann is unhappy :rofl:.

Guess you just missed Alleria having the ability to be uncorrupted at all times AND being blonde.

And I promise you she counts a thousand times more than any of the pathetic NPCs you’re reaching for :kissing_heart:


Right, upholding the last of the BE visual theme and delivering options to actual VE fans.


On a side note… mainly because I need to get this off my chest.

I’ve only seen one thing out of Blizzcon and it is the backpack pet sloth… backpack pet sloth…

I need it.

That’s all, continue the brawl.


Even putting the BE visual theme aside, I legit think it’s a really cool idea.

But then again I’m speaking as a fan of horror and things that look unsettling.


This is a reasonable reply although I still think it’s weird only Vulpera don’t have hair options currently but thanks for giving me your opinion.

I’m interested in options for VEs that don’t further bring them to look like BEs so I dig it off that alone.

They can’t only listen to one side and if the HE community considers the VE model the first victory and skintones the next one, then it seems to me BE player concerns and the fact hair options aren’t available for VEs that aren’t void that… blizzard is intentionally listening to the opposing side.


Except Alleria doesn’t represent a demographic among the void elves, and never has. In fact she had fair skin when they still outright objected to the idea of fair skin void elves, but yes clearly she’s a example of Void elf customization.

Unlike the new blue eyed NPC that was added deliberately after the customizations were announced. Sounds like Blizzard feels these customizations are only canonically appropriate one one of the elf races. I wooonder why