Don't close Shadowstrike AU

Feeling that us ping is the true classic experience though. I know it matters to the parsers and stuff though for sure.

Remember sod probably doesn’t have long to go before we get a classic plus at least.

I def don’t want gdkp back though regardless.

You might get a classic+ without any oceanic servers if people keep advocating to kill the entire oceanic region.

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10 charss

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Save shadowstrike and make it the oceanic mega server open transfers to the server not off the server and watch it thrive.

Oceanic region exists and shadowstrike is still a viable server.

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Thank you for listening to the community. <3

Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike!

+1 oceanic instances the current solution provided is not viable.

They listened and saved oceanic and shadowstrike.

Dear Blizzard Team,

Thank you for pausing the transfers off Shadowstrike. This decision has given many of us a moment to breathe and reconsider the future of our server. However, I must express concern about the growing divide among players—those eager to leave and those committed to staying. This rift threatens the unity of our realm, and many fear the loss of community spirit that has made Shadowstrike unique.

Rest assured, Moonwing and the Ratchet Rum Company stand firmly with Shadowstrike. We are committed no matter the challenges ahead.


Ratchet Rum Company

Hang on didn’t you just tell me in another thread to shut up and stop talking about the server merge? The hypocrisy is real in this one.


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I told you to touch grass - I’m done with these forums. Thanks

Why didn’t you tell elron to stop repeating himself?


Of the last 10 posts - 6 of them are Elron on sock puppet alts. How is this representative of the whole community? (p.s: it’s not)

If Shadowstrike community didn’t want the free transfers, then there is no risk allowing the free transfers because apparently nobody will use them. The truth however, is that players will use the FCMs to get off the realm - leaving behind the few that are fighting so hard to keep the rest of us here.

As for those of us that would like to move - we care little about the latency - we just want to play with an active community again and have things to do outside of raiding.


Oceanic community was very vocal about not wanting this for weeks.

We are happy with the outcome and hope there’s a workable solution for everyone in the future.

Hoping they will look at some alternatives to help oceanic further.

If blizzard care about oceanic at all they will open transfers for penance to shadowstrike and wild growth and will take active steps to increase the player population.

I’ve mentioned multile ways in different threads.

Do not force us to go to NA.

No realm is being closed at this point. All realms will be closed at some point. You n the other 7 ppl alive there enjoy your post apocalypse time in SS.

theres like 2 actual people in here and 20 elron bots lol option 3 free shadowstrike !!!