Don’t Delay—Support Cure Duchenne With the Reven Pack

The pet was an insta-purchase. Just finished the documentary, and it made a gruff, grumpy old man cry!


Nah, you’re good. It just makes me want this pet even more.

Its for a good cause now…

Buy it or don’t.

But damn, some of you are salty just for the sake of being salty.


they are deducting from taxes, with your money, if you could buy this pet and then deduct from your own taxes would be one thing, but this one? nope, blizzard isnt even donating anything themselves they are just using your money to write taxes off, the foundation doesnt even have a page showing what they do with the money.


Yup not even putting forward their own portion based on how much the community raises not about the charity and all about the tax cut I’d encourage people to donate to the charity directly themselves instead.

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Regardless if you by the thing or not, or even how you feel about it, Blizz still raised some awareness for this cause. So you know silver lining for the more negative types…

Yes it is, pretty cute too

The celebration is for the shareholders, not the players :joy:

I bought it right away. I had two cousins die of this exact disease. I was kind of shocked to see it on the launcher and yep, got it.


Now can we just get a real life plushie of this adorable cutie >.<

My life will be complete, be another nice way to help raise funds for such a good cause <3

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Reading this thread made me realise how many people think if i donate 100 bucks to charity instead of paying 100 bucks to the gov ill somehow make money.

People need to look up how tax brackets actually work.

How about adding the other sale shenanigans yall got going on for this?
$90 mounts would be viewed more positively if that $ was going to a good cause rather than a greedy corporation

wonder if Ibelin even owned any store cosmetics.

I feel like it is just a cash grab. I know they say it’s for charity. But, it very well might just be another scandal. Where they actually don’t donate the money to charity. They just say they are going to donate the money to a charity.

I know full well how easy it is to by cynical as far as Blizzard is concerned, but I really don’t think it’s that deep.

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I honestly do not trust anything this company say’s anymore.

Like they said there wasn’t going to be any paid level boosts in classic bc when it was in it’s early stages. I will have to find a direct quote. But there were boosts in classic bc. I honestly never trust where my money is going now. Especially with mega corps like amazon and blizzard.

I mean, yah the struggling mom and pop shops down the street, sure I would trust them. But with blizz history of lying and stuff. Even in the last few years. That’s all any of these companies do is lie, cheat and steal. Oh and they enable really stupid things to. Like the whole woke movements within all these big companies is getting really old to. It’s just enabling narcissists and crazy people as a result of it, while still having good intentions. Does anyone know how to, tell people no. Blizzard is one of those companies of the many that has zero respect for history to. It’s going to bite us in the butt some day. I just don’t know when. I am just very cynical and aware.

I mean, for me. I will buy the pet maybe because it is cool. But I truly don’t trust fully that my money is benefitting a charity from blizzard. The scandals this company has been in recent years. Holy fudge yo.

A company can’t legally promote a purchase as going to a charity and keep the money from that purchase.Think what you want about Blizzard but they aren’t that dumb.


I remember specifically the esports event that happened and blizzard legit pocketed the extra money towards themselves instead of giving it towards the thing they promised to give it to.

It was the one with the purchase of 2 toys. And it wasn’t for a charity. But they didn’t use the money in the way it was promised to be used either way. I am always going to be skeptical of blizzard now. But politics don’t really influence my purchase of an item from blizzard either way. I just might buy this because I feel it looks cool.

But, I dunno. I mean, blizzard says one thing and then does another thing the next minute. So it’s kind of hard to trust any political nonsense they spout anymore in my op. But that’s just me.

To be honest I bought this package just because the fox is cute. But I checked the ‘Ibelin’ on Netflix and got impressed so much.

I’m just a complete stranger who hasn’t even started playing WoW till 2018. I’m not a Norwegian, have no relationship with the guild mentioned in the documentary, even have not enough experience with Vanilla. Just went through Elwin Forest, Westfall, and Redridge Mountains several times on several different characters. I’m just a random Japanese Worgen who loves some fluffy animals.
But I came to want to visit the memorial site that appeared in the short film, to give a salute to the unique hero who built the legend in a really different way from typical roleplay game achievements.

I flew through Elwin Forest for a while and eventually found the memento which stands silently on the tiny island in the center of the pond, just next to Goldshire. Perhaps this place was special to Ibelin, spent countless hours of time with his dearest friends there.
I simply appreciate Blizzard giving us the opportunity to visit and mourn him. I found it was not only me but many players offered their respective prayers for the brave hero. Regardless of class, race, or even faction, everyone was so sincere. I know how bothersome to reach Goldshire from the Horde side. Despite the border of faction, people came and saluted, kneeled, or prayed for his rest in peace. It was simply impressive how people can be so respectful.

I’m terribly sorry if my post was inappropriate. I know I’m not a proper person to participate in such personal and memorial events but just a random mutt who saw his episode and sympathized a bit too much. Also I’m sorry if my English is strange due to my language barrier.

Hope those ‘relatives’ of Ibelin won’t feel upset by my post. I just wanted to show my respect for those who faced the greatest fear of death but never surrendered till the very end, and showed kindness to the others to bond together, to bring the courage to face each one’s respective hardships in real life.

My sincerest respect for the fallen hero.

For the Alliance.
Or for Azeroth.