Doing a Lot Out of Spite

Get ready to add to the list:

Introduce PvP vendor, be applauded for this, and see higher PvP participation than you’ve ever seen. But then you notice that metrics are down in the mplus/raid loot treadmill! Because people like your PvP vendor way more than RNG nonsense. So you start priming the pump for bringing back a failed systems from WoD to get people back on the treadmill.

Yeah, all you have done is insult people in this thread but you act like you have some moral or intellectual authority. :rofl:

One day you might figure out who your dad and your mom is. :crazy_face:


The problem, like most publicly traded company, is that the shareholders demand short-term profit so that they can unload their stocks and get rich quick. All to the detriment of long term profitability because the only people who care about that are the common folk saps like us who rely on our 401K to survive on at some point.


Also notice metrics are down for casual PvP participation, as casuals didn’t get much benefit from the honor vendor.

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Getting gear that bypasses mythic 0, and LFR entirely, isn’t much benefit? What?

Ah the beauty of perspectives :slight_smile:

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Behind in the game?

Yes I am.

Go grind honor gear.

That’s 130k honor (if full set, obviously you supplement with rank 7 covenant full set to get done faster), and when I’m done still won’t be competitive.

Kek, lmao git gud scrub noob

First major patch is late in an expansion now? Flight whistle doesnt matter when we get flight so early now. World quest take a long time I didnt know at most 4mins was a long time. They just upped the drop rate of gear for all forms of content while also re adding valor points. You can still run plenty of old content. We got plenty of new customization options and we will eventually get more. Do you whine just to whine?

Just like someone who stops at mythic 0, won’t be competitive with someone who stops at mythic 15.

Honor gear is your entry level set to start climbing the rated ladder. I don’t really know how you can be upset. Unless you want the template system back, which bombed even harder than WoD PvP gear.

Templates were dogtier, so was bfa pvp scaling.

Heavily requested by the same people isnt heavily request I know plenty of people that dont want worgen to have tails.

[and we hate the players]


Blizzard seems to have a weirdly puritanical philosophy. If they give something, something must be taken away. If there is nothing to take, then what they give must be gimped in some way so it’s not really what we asked for.

And if something is TOO popular? Holy Light, better nerf it before the players are spoiled by having too much fun!

It’s like they think they’re our parents, and they’re trying to make us build character.


But who didn’t like getting one shot by someone that wasn’t even max level, because PvP nEeDs To Be FaIR!

Most world quests take longer than that, but yes, even 4 minutes is a long time when you consider everyone used to only do the “kill XYZ” world quests which took literally 10 seconds. People chose to do those quests because people like quick world quests.
If a restaurant sold lots of hamburgers, but only a few hotdogs, would it make sense for them to stop selling hamburgers in order to sell more hotdogs? That’s ludicrous, but that is exactly Blizzard’s mentality. Too many people were going for the quick quests, so they eliminated them!


Happy people keep on playing.

Addicts keep on playing too.

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The first patch plus grinding more time gated renown. I bet we won’t see flight until at least a year into this expansion

World quests are scattered all over the place, have multiple stages, and take much longer than Legion or BFA. Why would anyone want to take longer doing something for less rewards?

And they haven’t upped the drop rate yet. What are you talking about?

And the rest isn’t worth correcting you on.


World quest that matter aka for the callings take no time for kill this guy and then go.kill 5 of those things then do one more random world quest or go do this dungeon for this calling or gondola this 1 single world quest for this calling. And that last one is the only one that takes a long time.

Killing 10 wildlife in revendreath takes 1min aoe easy. Doing the parsel wq takes maybe 2mins defending the giant in bastion 2mins. If they take you longer maybe you should figure out what you are doing wrong.

They have someone in a decision making role, somewhere, that’s probably a psychology major, who knows how to get people to do something in the short term(do these awful word quests). But at the same time, is too short sighted to see what happens, when you force people to do something unfun.

They burn out, and leave. So they manage to push up time played metrics, which a naive person will correlate to their engagement. Which they then assume tracks to player retention. Where you’d have way better luck by making content people want to do, even if it’s for a single sitting every week.