Doing a Lot Out of Spite

It dosen’t. It’s 150.

I can tell you their secret.

Time played = Money.

All gaming systems -> Time.

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The view Blizzard white knights are silly, I’m glad they are a minority.

In some interviews the devs seem really out of touch or disrespectfull to their players.

It really seems they wan’t to force you in to content they are using in their metrics for their shareholders.
They don’t even use player numbers any longer, they are using “player engagement” to determine if something is “good”, or “liked”. But if you are forced to do something this dosen’t make any sense.

I can hear them say: “Don’t you have phones”, all over again.

The problem with old raids, Legion in particular, is extremly silly.

How they reacted to customizations and simply cut the feature was mind blowing. Their communication is terrible.

They have the wrong outlook, that’s for sure.


And this has been flagged why?

Seriously, some of the people on this forum worry me.


i think the whole push for worgen tails is that theyd get the option to have them. I dont think theyd be forced to have them.


my new players are also pretty mind f%&% over this.

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Almost all of this is a stretch. This one most of all. It’s 9.1 and we’re getting Flying already. That’s not late. It’s also only locked behind story content. Not “painful time gating” like the last two expansions.

Yeah having to wait for flight is not exactly spite or meanness, that’s how its been every single expansion except Cataclysm: you don’t get flight right away and have to earn it. Even in Burning Crusade, you had to get 70 and go through a bunch of stuff (unless you were a Druid, but that was their class ability)

I doubt it’s out of spite. Could be wrong. All I know is that there will never be a time when 100% of the player base is happy all at once or for any length of time.

Is it out of spite, or to maximize short-term profit?

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When is 9.1 arriving? And how long will it take to grind the renown? I’m almost certain we won’t have it until at least a year into the expansion. And that’s still time gated.

Running druid so no…I dont use a mount.
And sorry but that DOESNT negate /nullify what I stated about the spitefulness of the childish overuse of these kinds of mechanics.

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I dont believe for one single second that even a minority of players are ‘happy’ with the idea that 99% of everything in SLs uses one or more of the Slow/Stun/Root mechanix.
When i go outside I dont see everything in creation having the same exact defense or offense mechanisms. lol.
Yet in Blizzaro world they seem to think that every beast, insect and single celled organism should ALL use the same exact mechanics…at least in SLs

I think personally it IS coming from Ions own disdain of the player base, not quite having recovered from the base rejecting his attempt to remove flight a few expansions back.
I’ll leave it at that without saying more of what I actually think for fear of retaliation and a long leave.


You literally had to hit 70 and find a flight trainer. No hoops. No bunch of stuff. Level, purchase. Fly.


They aren’t doing it out of spite, they are doing it for their metrics. That’s all they care about at this point, making everything take longer since they are incapable of making a game enjoyable and increasing metrics that way. It’s a sad state of affairs.

I recently went back to classic, it’s refreshing not feeling like being on several gearing hamster wheels. Classic is like an adventure, I recently went to stonetalon mountains and up a little path I found a troll hideaway. I miss things like that. Professions are relevant too, I make most of my gear myself as I level. They are useful and not outdated by the time I get to a particular skill level.


Probably the real reason the flight whistle was removed is because yes, all those zones are on the same map, and yes, they are as close together as it seems. If you launch yourself off Bastion towards Oribos, you’ll end up ressing in Oribos. Since the whistle picks the closest flight path, there were probably parts of the map that accidentally put you in Oribos, or the next closest zone.

Rather than find a way to fix this, they just took the path of least resistance and removed the the whistle.

Oh man, beyond the slows, so you decide to fight something. I hope you enjoy it teleporting behind you ever two seconds! Every battle is obnoxious.


For some reason the most obvious issue with spite or severe ignorance is Oribos. A central hub with one, non-centrally located mailbox on the absolute opposite side of the only AH in the hub zone. And you have to pick engineering to even use the AH. Also, why are the two weekly quest givers is Oribos downstairs and hard to reach?

I can’t think of a good answer.

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When the choices are spite or stupidity, it’s hard to decide which is more charitable.


It’s called “paranoid”. See a shrink. Get some meds. It is all in your thinking, not in Blizzard’s actions.

All of your “players love” statements are false. They should all be “SOME players love” statements. Then they are true.

How do you design an excellent game? Identify everything that some players love, and do them? No, no, no, no! That creates a terrible game, an MMO that dies the first year! DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT do that. That is NOT good MMO design!

So how do you do it? Do what Blizzard did in WoW. WoW has been winning awards for decades. WoW has more players than any other MMO. So Blizzard is designing the game well. Many players like it…

…well, not the paranoid ones…

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Hanlon’s Razor says to favor stupidity