Does your character have kids?

Its adoption week, kinda curious if any of azeroths most mightiest of champions have kids.
How do they even go about it? Is it a NPC? Another player?


He does! (Vencio)

his name is Cielo and is currently residing over Bolarus Harbor with his mother Elanoria,

They’re separated though due to certain internal relationship facets that came to happen, although both agreed to be in the common interests for Cielo. I come see him every now and then,

PS: Based on my real life circumstance. Cielo is the dog that me and my ex partner raised together. She’s looking after him and I come visit from time to time

No. None of my characters are of a family mode. This one however is occasionally haunted by the wisp of her mother who was killed when Darnassus burned.

One of the alternate characters portrayed on this Monk is the mother of the main character. The same goes for my Nightborne Mage. One of my more recent Death Knights is the mother of a side character relevant to the main one’s backstory. I also briefly had versions of the mother of one of my Orc characters, as well as an AU version of her father (sort of). Those haven’t had much work or development.

Most of my characters are either relatively young or are currently in positions where they lack the opportunity to have or care for children; socially crippled and resentful hermits, people who are married to their work, or otherwise disinterested in having a family or any progeny.

Most, if not all my characters have had children, that I both rped them having in-game, and in their backstories. Both this character and my new worgen hunter Krecia who are both my Alliance and Horde mains, both have children. This character Kalisandra in her in-game version has three children, with her first and late husband Syranil who is an npc, and the father of her first child Vanirah. And her current husband Nathaldrious (blood elf hunter, played by my IRL boyfriend), who is the father of her younger children that were born after the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King timeline.

As for Krecia, who is still a new low level alt I’m working on, she has a daughter named Liana daughter from a previous partner named Edmond (random npc, from her slowly fleshing out backstory), who she is now separated due to personal conflicts. They were both very young when they had their daughter, and Karaline, who is more of a morally grey character, is more of the type to handle difficult situations like this on her own. I have yet to figure out who her next partner is going to be, when I start rping her in-game (I’m currently waiting for Shadowland’s release, to flesh her out more).

There is another new blood elf hunter character Karashara, that I have in the works with my partner (I won’t get into it, until he decides to come back to the game), who has had a son with his blood elf warlock Kelinin (formally a mage) prior to the Third War. Both she and Kelinen had been separated, after the campaign in Outland, and Karashara was presumed to be dead after becoming a member of the Scryers. I’m still playing with the details, so some aspects might change.

RP happened. Dice happened several times. It’s complicated and involves a bronze dragon because infants aren’t fun for RP.

… Zan has 11 teenagers with RP planned that will bring it to 16 in the next two years. Plus the kids he adopted.

I think his hair is going to turn white soon.

Perfectia has one child that she not aware of… I can explain.

Perfectia conceived a child while she was spying on the Silver Covenant in Dalaran some time over the end of Cataclysm and during the Pandaren campaign. She even sent reports to Garrosh that Jaina had acquired a large number of mages to aid Theramore Island. During that time she fell in love with a draenei name Oranio and conceived the child after he found out what Perfectia really was.

The day after Garrosh came to Dalaran with the Divine Bell where a group of draenei were waiting for him. Garrosh used the bell on himself, it’s toxic mist killing even his own men, but was able to completely over power Perfectia, but was saved but Archmage Aethas Sunreaver before the final blow could be made.

Garrosh returning to himself, grabbed Perfectia by the throat and slammed Gorehowl into her stomach. At this point she told Garrosh that she might be pregnant. Garrosh slammed Gorehowl into her again harder and aiming for the reproductive organs in the pelvis shattering most of the bones there.

While Vereesa Windrunner was able to stop him before a third blow could be made. Perfectia was rushed to a healer where her bones could be mended with magic, but the mending of bones didn’t take like they usually do. She felt a snapping pitch in her groin area followed by an almost electric pain going through her entire body. The last thing she remembered was shaking uncontrollably and the last words she heard before she lost consciousness was, “This isn’t going to work. She needs surgery.”

From there the unpracticed surgeons had to re-break her pelvis bones and bind them with pins and bind her with harnesses. For a long time Perfectia (about six months or so) was put into a magical sleep so the doctors could work on her and the child that was growing inside her.

Eventually the child was healthy enough for it to be removed and put into incubation on the Exodar, where he was eventually born and named Auron. When she regained consciousness she was told that she miscarried. For a little while Velen decided that when the child was old enough that he would eventually reunite the two and Perfectia eventually saw her child with her own eyes during High General Rakeesh invasion, but was unaware of who he was at the time.

After Perfectia killed Velen’s son Rakeesh mercilessly, resentful and bitter. He decided that he would keep that information from her.

Auron would be about six years old by now having both features from both draenei and blood elf, but with a long spider monkey lengthen tail.

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Mine does. It’s an alt of mine. Half Orc Rogue.

Obviously fathered when alive. Long story short Benedikt was a healer at Durnholde - reluctantly when he learned what it really was. Befriended a Shadow Moon Darkcaster named Agrona who he eventually helped escape. During said escape they had to hide in a yeti’s cave network. Being hunted and surrounded by massive predators- well things happened.

Benedikt went on to move to Lordaeron and she found refuge with the Frostwolves. Much later, like during Cata, an undead Benedikt tried to find out where she might’ve wound up. Killed, tragically, a few years ago in a Stormpike artillery barrage. He was sad, and said a prayer for his old friend, then moved on. He mourned briefly but earnestly. Forsaken, afterall, are very use to losing things they cared about. That was the end of his and Agrona’s story.

Until a half orc assassin tried to kill him in Orgrimmar. And likely would’ve succeeded had she much experience trying to kill the living dead.

Mordracca was far from the only half orc child with a human father from Durnholde. When she grew older and understood why, she assumed her mother’s statements of ‘He was a good friend, I’ll tell you when you’re older’ were hiding a dark truth.

So, after tracking him down, tried to kill him. Benedikt had to use shadow magic to share some memories of Agrona to show they were indeed friends. Mordracca was skeptical but eventually came to accept the truth.

They’ve an odd relationship. They’ve had very different experiences and can’t easily relate. But Benedikt absolutely considers her his own and loves her. Mordracca eventually came to accept him but keeps him at a distance. She’s not unhappy to have a loving father but human would be odd enough. Forsaken is, truly something else entirely.


No but Kalithos is currently in discussion with his husband about adopting a child when times become more peaceful.

It’s odd that I hadn’t thought of that. Six of my 12 toons are in a relationship, more or less. I guess I should consider that, but would need to leave them with grandparents, since I’m too busy saving azeroth.

Raede is a one woman man, and unfortunately that woman is in the opposite faction and their time together has been very scattered as of late. She’s a paladin and he WAS a rogue until the time they were captured together on Outland, separated, and he was told she was killed. He was tortured and left to die, rescued by the Illidari, pledged his life to them and you know what happened next. Imprisoned and only let out to fight the Legion.

Although they met again in Dalaran there really hasn’t been any time for baby making. But it’s gotta happen soon since her biological clock is ticking (she’s a 37 year old human.)

I do have it in their future that they will have children but I don’t have names or genders for them.

Aanka, my night elf druid, has two children, Eyndu and Morgana.

Eyndu is her son, a druid who joined the Cenarion Circle, later left, and joined Alliance forces in the Fourth War. He went missing in Zuldazar and Aanka lost her memory fighting to save him.

Morgana is her daughter, originally a priestess. After Aanka’s sister, a highborne named Azshiel, came to Nighthaven after the Cataclysm, Morgana became a mage. Aanka has kind of resented Morgana for this, though she still cares for her and loves her.

I have a full timeline/family tree set up for my toons generations but the main ones are my Night Elf Mage and her Blood Elf Warrior husband. They have a daughter right before Shadowlands opens up (that’s just where I’m placing her birth because the mage mother will leave for Ardenweald)
Then there is the other 2. Adahlis is my main, she is a Night Elf/Highborne Demon Hunter who has twins with Illidan (side fling no one knows about because its unheard of for illidari to have children, assuming they are infertile) so they say his parents died so no one gets experimented on.
Then the twins grow up and the son meets a Void Elf DK who saved his life in Suramar on a mission. They have a daughter who ends up marrying the daughter of Adahlis’ “adopted sister” Feoris(My Rogue). The twin sister is weak and fragile after being born with almost no strength (the brother took the fel resistance and strength from her). He feels guilty but she is ok with it and just works as a librarian for her Illidari mother and Mage aunt.
She meets a woman who accepts her despite health issues and basically heals and trains her. They adopt a Blood Elf orphan before the Shadowlands opens up. The mother takes care of the son while the twins go to Maldraxxas together

So this is why she poops in the bed?

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Davell had children. Now their remains pave the Path of Glory.

…He used to…

None of mine have any children. However, this character was considering adoption with her partner at one point. Her partner died during the Fourth War, though. So, that plan is over.

Yes, that is why she poops the bed.

She literally has no time to be a proper mother.

She has no children and her husband died as well. She won’t have a child out of wedlock, so first she has to find another husband.