Does the Horde intend to continue war against the Alliance?

Now you are arguing the story you, as a player, want.

As to the question, as things are now, can you see the Alliance starting a war? Clearly you are on team “yes”.

(BTW, if you really want to follow the inverse pattern, the Alliance has become the villains. Some people always seem to leave that out…)


Okay. I’m fine with that as long as it’s interesting. Arthas was an Alliance villain too.


Of course we will start the next war with the alliance. That human witch Proudmoore has still not paid for what she did in Zandalar. Once the traitor council is removed from office we can wage war on the blue team properly again and destroy everything they hold deal. No peace. No compromise. Just boundless destruction. Lok’tar.

Hardly. He wasn’t representing the Alliance when he was a WoW villain.


But the writers apparently disagree with that assessment since Arthas was Anduin’s example to Saurfang


I still think its weird that arthas and Daelin were Mentioned…but not Garithos, Daelin is - from a Alliance POV - not a bad guy, but Garithos is even on alliance side an red flag.

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He was. Bolvar even calls him out as a traitor at the Wrathgate.

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Okay, but he wasn’t. He wasn’t a questgiver for Ally players and he wasn’t hanging around Ally cities. In WoW, he was a villain straight out of the gate, there was no ambiguity.

If he had been a green NPC for the players as he got turned into a villain, you’d have a point.


That’s a ridiculous standard to hold.

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That’s a standard Sylvanas and Garrosh fit, though. They were unquestionably “Horde Villains”. Not “villains, who belonged to a faction within the Horde that doesn’t even exist as an entity in the game”.

I understand Arthas was an Alliance character. But he was always his own villain. And when he was introduced as a character in WoW, he was already completely divorced from the Alliance.


You’re splitting hairs and I don’t understand why. Players, and particularly Alliance fans, were encouraged to identify with Arthas during the Alliance campaign in WC3 and that was what made the story of his fall all the richer. That he wasn’t present in WoW specifically as an Alliance NPC is irrelevant to that.

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I am splitting hairs because you were talking about a reverse situation to the Horde villain bat and mentioned Arthas as an example of an Alliance villain, who cannot be compared to the Horde villains we’ve had.

We’re talking about a two faction situation and you mention a character who was from the very start written to be a tragic fallen hero. Who happened to be from an Alliance kingdom that players never really got to get attached to. Arthas is distanced from the Alliance that we seen in WoW.

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I think that that’s just arbitrary RTS erasure.

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I don’t think it’s arbitrary. Far from everyone played or cared for it. It’s a different game. WoW’s story should be treated as it’s own thing because WoW’s story is written for a two-faction game and people will inevitably view all characters through that two-faction lens.

Far from everyone cared about the fact that Horde players could click on Garrosh or Sylvanas and see green text either.

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Far from everyone realise that Arthas is "technically an Alliance character ".


The RTS are still the fundament of all wow Storytelling-points between Horde & Alliance, to say that RTS are not important is…uff…simply wrong.

RTS is like the ground of everything wow play.