“Destroyed as people” is pretty clear to me, and it makes sense with Ashenvale, Darkshore and most of Teldrassil wiped out.
After Shadowlands, we know it for sure anyway. Not even a mass revival can save them now.
“Destroyed as people” is pretty clear to me, and it makes sense with Ashenvale, Darkshore and most of Teldrassil wiped out.
After Shadowlands, we know it for sure anyway. Not even a mass revival can save them now.
If not a people.
“They may not be destroyed as a people, but they are destroyed as a nation” would be an alternative way to write it.
No, your alternative way doesn’t have the same meaning as the original.
The original states that they are destroyed as a nation and likely also ended as a people, yours is entirely different.
The only thing that could have saved them is a mass revival after we rescued their souls, but since their souls were obliterated in the maw, they were once and for all ended.
They just pushed how ruined both armies are after both the Legion invasion and the 4th War. I think both sides are using the time needed as an excuse to rebuild and when both the Alliance and Horde are at top strength the Alliance microaggressions will begin again and the Horde retalitory strikes will again lead to full blown war.
The trolls will one day get revenge and the cycle of hatred will continue.
WTB an early copy of the Kalimdor book so we can end this stupid debate about how “extinct” the night elves really are.
Didn’t the writers basically come out and say that Teldrassil wasn’t as big of a thing people were making it out to be.
With ‘renewal’ and rebirth an option available for the Night Elves, in an expansion or two you will have Teldrassil and your population back, and BFA, and Shadowlands will just be a bad fever dream.
Äh…No…that never happened, say were suprised of the sher amount of feedback …but they never said “Teldrassil was not such a bad thing”…thats not happened.
Hard To Swallow Pills:
Teldrassil isn’t that big of a thing.
Big enough to be an entire country
Ashenvale and Darkshore were also wiped out.
More like a bait question. If one actually analyses the text, the only thing Rokhan says is that war can always happen and the Horde needs to correctly detect were people feels disconform / angry / etc., so the faction can truly heal the issues, no more and no less.
As usual Alliance posters trying to suggest how the Alliance can get their “revenge” without losing their artificial pristine moral highground… why am I NOT surprised?
Yup, couldn´t have said so better myself.
Thanks, Treng.
The game is called WARcraft after all. Blue Vs. Red has been the soul of this game since the outset.
It’s not a bait question. I’m looking for answers that explain what people think of the excerpts I posted. I haven’t posted anything about Alliance getting “revenge” without losing high ground. The Horde bias against people who post on Alliance characters is really showing. I put effort into making this thread and people being toxic about it is pissing me off.
Aaand you got your answer. Most of us saw nothing different to Rokahn -a Horde character- expressing how important is to detect the TRUE causes of Horde discomfort to properly and truly heal them, period. and war doesn´t authomatically translates to conflict AGAINST the Alliance or else; any scalated armed conflict IS a war. We currently wagging war against Zooval & Co. FYI.
You on the other hand twisted the issue since the very title of the thread. Cause this isn´t titled “what do you guys think these can mean?” but “Is this potential proof the Horde WILL continue to war against the Alliance!!?!!”
I could literally picture you licking your chops, dude. So don´t complain when YOU were the one to bring the toxicity itself, dear.
Next time try a less polarizing and obvious baitful title.
A response can be made without claiming I’m trying to bait people, or there doesn’t have to be a response at all. What stuck out to me was the line about the blood war being silent but the silence not lasting. The point about healing could be made without that sentence. The blood war was mentioned specifically. If it were just war in general, the word blood can be left out.
I didn’t twist anything. Did you even read the OP? I asked if the Horde intends to go to war with the Alliance because that’s what it seems like to me. That’s what I wanted to make the topic about. If I changed the title then it’d be a different topic.
You’re making assumptions about me. Because I’m posting on an Alliance character. It feels like any time I comment on the subject of the faction war I get Horde posters making assumptions about me. Would you have a different response if I made this topic on a Horde character? I don’t understand how I brought toxicity to the topic.
The Horde was clanking beer mugs and fist pumping at the thought of going to war with the Alliance and I haven’t seen anything that really says that we are different.
Sylvanas received more support than ever after Teldrassil. Makes me wonder, Sylvanas is a victim of a soul rewire; what’s the Horde proper excuse, are we still blaming demon blood at this point? Rexxar, Talanji, Geya’rah etc etc could easily start the next skrimish.
I mean you’re framing Rokhan pointing out war always breaks out between the factions as his suggesting he wants war.
And Rokhan pointing out he’s at a loss of what to change about the Horde is a bit ridiculous given the writers bend the narrative to always have the Horde instigate the faction conflict.
This entire dynamic is tedious.
We all know that the next time Blizzard wants a faction war plot that the Horde will instigate it.
Period, Full stop. That is the consistent will and intent and choice of the writers.
There is no escape.
Ergo it’s useless to muse.
It’s a thought of mine because Rokhan’s response is different than Anduin’s. If you think it doesn’t matter because you think the Horde will always instigate then that’s a fair opinion, but claiming I’m trying to bait people is not. It is kind of a tedious dynamic. But I’m more hopeful that we don’t get MoP 3.0. With changes being made at Blizzard we might be able to avoid that.
I think the dialogue is just Rokhan being cynical, to contrast Anduin’s relentless optimism.
I like to read it as him being realistic. Cause War WILL happen eventually (against the FOTM BBE or the Alliance or the Murlocs or what have you. But it will).