Does the faction war actually make both sides stronger?

What makes the Horde and Alliance strong are the immortal super soldiers that solve every problem for them. I see no story evidence that the faction war has made them stronger, or that they even matter outside of us.


Since this isn’t a fighting anime, conflict only makes you stronger in terms of the technology you develop to fight with. The only outcome of prolonged conflict is the one you see when they are discussing that they’ll have to recruit farmers if the war keeps up. That’s the best case scenario. The worst case is both sides bomb each other into a pile of radioactive ash and there’s nobody left to tell their story.

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Ask the Night elves if they’re stronger now than before BfA.


Just wait. Now that you’ve put forward the question, someone is going to say “But tha Nite Warier is stronk.” As if that fixes anything.

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Are you sure it isn’t? D:

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