Does Retail have Melee Leeway?

If it does is it exactly the same as what we are getting? If not does anyone complain about lagging and not being able to hit people?

Reference of what we are getting - youtube.whycan’tweuselinks? /watch?v=S3GH5cWPFOE

You can directly link to Youtube, just FYI.

I’m going to make a Tauren warrior named Leeway Jenkins and mortal strike people from 30 yards away. It’ll be the new pvp meta.


Isn’t there a limit… someone with 0 posts cannot post links and such??

Youtube is a “whitelisted” site, because they embed. It’s not really a link under the same terms.

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Huh, odd, it didn’t want to let me but honestly I haven’t used the WoW forums in… well over a decade. That being said no one has answered my question xD

I played Legion and a little bit of BFA but I swear its not in there but I don’t want to be spreading misinformation if it is.

-edit Wow, 0 posts? I know its been over a decade but still. There was a time I used the forums religiously.

New forums new post counts?

Also posts counts are character specific as you can see by the post below mine(one of my alts)

Alt of Kelzar, demonstrating alts different post counts.

Since late last year, everything got reset on the new forums.

I haven’t been keeping up with some of these (what would you call them? changes meant to emulate nochanges?)…I’ll just call them “things that Blizzard is doing.”

I’m trying to stay positive, and look forward to the return of a game I’ve missed. But this leeway thing is terrible, and superfluous. I’m not wild about layering/sharding either. But this is what Blizzard has always done: change or implement something that we’d all be just fine without. My 2c, anyway.

I’ve posted about similar issues. I anticipate if you did without www or https://, your link wouldn’t be allowed. They’ve constrained too many websites and haven’t added a number of even *.blizzard or * sites haha. :eyes::eyes::eyes: