Does Blizzard truly understand how much animosity is growing underneath the surface?

I think this happened for the majority a while ago. Those servers have been on final phase for a very long time.

Vanilla =/= Era though.

In 2019 I was in my guild, ran split raids with several other guilds (thank you 40-mans for breaking guild cliques), ran world bosses and WPvP with the Alliance side coalition, dueled our rival guild outside IF, fought rat colluders in the AQ gates event, and pugged somewhat regular.

On top of that, you could just recognize players and guilds you passed by because the servers were appropriately sized and there wasn’t any layering.

I’ve played wow off and on every expansion since BC when I was a kid, but never participated in the community until 2019 in Classic. That’s why it’s the only version I’ll play, cause it’s been back to weak community since.


I’m very skeptical, I’m seeing the same thing in SoD that’s been happening in retail. Phase 2 was weaker than phase 1 but people gave their feedback and stuck around for phase 3. But blizzard ignored most of the issues people raised with phase 2 and in fact doubled down on the problems.

So at this point I’ll be very surprised if they manage to correct course in phase 4.

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It’s because p4 doesn’t offer enough to come back.

It’s literally MC and Ony again…

It’s interesting to read the long posts on this thread recently.

When I read the OP, I see a post from a guild leader who has had to deal with attrition and has been doing his best to get things back on track (thus the officer meeting part) and this is somewhat of a plea/vent to Blizzard explaining the situation.

Was he naive to think that Blizzard would handle SoD with care for things like guilds retaining players? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean his points are not valid.

Communities are the lifeblood of the original game and guilds are the core of it. SoD isn’t changed enough to where that still wouldn’t be the case.

If a person plays mostly Retail where it’s all about automatic grouping except for with end game stuff where it’s all about getting a good score and then finding random “premade groups”, guilds don’t matter so much, and going away and coming back doesn’t matter as much.

Yes it’s fair to say that the part of the playerbase who has stuck around for this is now what that was but, again, Classic thrives on guilds and if the people who are giving the most to the game can’t lead them properly because of a massive drop off of flakey people leaving and then later returning then that’s a problem.


I’m sure you can relate since I know you always say how many successful guilds you have ran (0).

The problem is people asked for specifically a VANILLA era server, they did not want tbc, wotlk and so forth. Stagnation is also a problem on private servers when all you have is what that version of WoW contains you will hit that point of “you have everything and there is now officially nothing to do”, now what do you do? Do you make an alt despite having everything already? Do you hope they make fresh servers? You realistically can’t keep playing the same content over and over without getting bored.

It’s hard to have a community when people don’t want to participate in said community.

The people that play now are the people who work a 9-5 and have a family. These people certainly don’t have time to screw around spamming trade chat trying to get people to spend the next 40 minutes of their lives in a dungeon, mind you this will take hours to do in the first place, so basically you’re spend X number of hours, how ever long it’ll take to get a group together to then spend an extra 40 minutes in a dungeon where everyone will steal loot anyway.

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In 2019 they did. That’s my point.

Hi :wave: that’s me. Now and in 2019. Have time for my hobbies, career, relationship, and family. You too can have it all!

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I may be replying to the wrong post but I just wanted to vent my frustration with the developers regarding SOD. This is not what we wanted. You gave us retail vanilla when we wanted classic plus.l

companies operating in the entertainment sector discover that providing entertainment is good business.


And when that drop off is a direct result of bad design on Blizzard’s part like it is in SoD then that blame goes at least partly to blizzard.

There is definitely some blame to be put on players who thought SoD was going to be classic + though and got upset when they realized it wasn’t.

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Some of yall just tonguing that boot.

sarcasm doesn’t always translate, but dude is definitely being sarcastic lol


I can’t even blame you for not catching the sarcasm with how stupid and ridiculous these forum shills are in general. They’d actually say that kind of crap.

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Nope. And they don’t care. You guys participated. They got metrics about it. That was 100% of the point of SOD. NOTHING you or anyone actually did was meaningful or important.

You put artificial importance into it knowing it was temporary at best. That’s something you should have anticipated from the likes of Blizzard, they let us alpha/beta test their games instead of paying pros to do it.

As a result, every iteration of wow is the Bargain World discount version. Cheers