Does Blizzard Mistreat It's Community on Purpose?

I think its just a symptom of our times. People are drowning in negativity nowadays and it feels like the internet keeps accelerating the problem with every year. We are about to hit critical mass soon imo.

Itā€™s 10:7 likes, so even of those who have decided to share their opinion, the majority like it.

I didnā€™t click either, but I personally think itā€™s a cheap knockoff of The Witcher, and I donā€™t play WoW because I thought the Witcher Season 1 was a decent view.

If you believe this there isnā€™t enough medication on this planet to make you a functioning member of society.

You very seriously need to detach yourself from reactionary media, like reddit/youtube/twitch/these forums and seek help.

Just yesterday I responded to one their Twitter posts and reminded them they have a website w/forums and that a majority of the players go to the forums for information. I asked them to please utilize them.

Maybe if more of us made that simple request, it might help, but Iā€™m not going to hold my breath.

The telling point was when they told people at Blizzcon ā€œYou have cellphones donā€™t you?ā€

That right there tells us that they are totally out of touch with their fan base and care only about microtransactions to fleece and squeeze their customers dry of $$$$$.

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When you pay the CEO as much as Bobby, you canā€™t waste money on petty things like customer service or employees.

For them to listen we would all need to protest and unsub. Thatā€™s never going to happen with all the sheep here. Iā€™m proud how OCE put the boots to blizzard in a few days over lag.

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Iā€™m not sure this is true. Iā€™d be inclined to wager that itā€™s far from true.

Does Blizzard Mistreat Itā€™s Community on Purpose?
No. Most of the time they are doing things that they think people want. Doing things that people want will mean more money for blizzard.

Now hereā€™s the thing, thereā€™s a lot of people who approach the game through the abstract and will flowchart every decision to its worst possible outcomeā€¦

You see this? This is yelling out for attention when you donā€™t deserve it. Transparency has created such a mess when it comes to people demanding direct response, that you have people launching all sorts of hyperbole and slander in hopes of getting a response. Overall its very toxic. For exampleā€¦

Quite literally an attention farming post designed to illicit a response from Blizzard. Itā€™s posts like these that make me just wish that Blizzard shut down transparency in direct responses but just list hotfixes and patch notes like they used to.

This doesnā€™t give you an additional authoritative reason to get the attention you are farming.

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