Does blizzard guarantee token gold sales?

They aren’t causing gold inflation.

This is why the price varies. If more people are selling them for gold than people are buying them for gold, yes Blizzard does inject gold into the game.

But then what happens? The gold price drops until less people sell them for gold and more people buy them for gold and it evens out.

It is not a 1:1 sale, but it balances out overall.

The token says it when you list it. Or rather, the auction house does.

It lists Estimated time to sell. Estimate!=guarantee

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Only thing I know that is guaranteed about the token is the amount of gold you will receive. When you purchase a token it tells you how much gold you will receive.

That amount is locked in once you purchase no matter which way the market shifts.


It might provide an estimate for how long it will take that token to sell, but it does not state that it will NOT sell for 2 hours at a minimum and that Blizzard will buy it at the 12 hour mark.

That’s the misinformation that’s being addressed. Not the estimated time to sell. This is also why Blizzard rarely ever gives ETAs as people seem to forget what the E stands for.


In the situation you are suggesting, there would be naturally occuring times where either peoples tokens didn’t sell for a long period of time because the AH had more sellers than buyers, or the reverse where there was more buyers than sellers and no tokems would be available to buy.

That doesn’t happen with the current tokem system, ever. There’s always tokens to buy no matter how many people are buying and selling, and tokens always sell in less than 12 hours no matter how many people are buying and selling.

The changing price keeps the buying/selling even overall.

Completely false.

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That must be why I have never seen a forum post about there not being a token to buy and running out of game time.

Because Blizzard definitely wants to lose money and customers.

We’ve certainly seen posts in the CS forums where it took a long time for a token to sell during slow times.

But no, Blizzard doesn’t add their own tokens nor do they purchase player tokens.

I’ll happily eat my hat if you find a support article or blue post that says the opposite.

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That is not a guarantee. It is an estimate of when they think your token will sell. People in here claiming 2-12hrs forget it can say other estimates. For example, last time I sold one it said 30 minutes. There’s no reason Blizz magically prefers mine to be sold in 30 min all of a sudden, but somehow guarantees others 2-12.

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First result in Google


And what’s the first reply in that thread lol.

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Why not read the rest of the posts to figure out it was during Diablo Immortal and people hogging up the tokens for Bnet balance?

Regardless, it directly refutes your false claim.

Here’s another

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This happened to me few weeks as well. I don’t have the screenshot at hand, unfortunately, but there was no token and it also kept saying the error about tokens being unavailable. and when I put mine up it went away. Bnet was not down.

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So you scrounged up 2 posts from the last 2 years, both of which occured during times people were getting errors or bnet downtime.

I’m always open to the idea of being wrong, especially about something that doesn’t even matter or have any implications, but I’m not seeing anything common enough to refute common sense or business logic.

Common sense says if an error message is specifically built into the game to tell players that there are no tokens for sale, then perhaps that means there are in fact times where there are no tokens for sale.

Common sense says that if players can’t buy tokens off the AH when lulls in the game are coupled with sales or promotions occurring on the Bnet shop, then perhaps that means there are in fact no tokens to buy off the AH.


It’s just a way for Blizz to sell gold to players in a way that’s not obviously selling gold to players. They do this because some of you don’t think its fair, and they would be right, but we live in a world where some people can’t afford things they want and that’s not fair either, But Apple is not going to stop selling Iphones because some people can’t afford one, so Blizzard shouldn’t have to try and hide the fact that they are a business and need to profit in order to stay in business.

They should just sell 500k gold for $20 on blizz store. And if you have a current sub, bonus 1000 Traders Tenders :slight_smile:

Common sense says that there’s no way we wouldn’t hear more complaints about either no tokens to buy or long waits on token sales.

Common sense would say that Blizzard would want to make this system as smooth as frictionless as possible, as it makes them money. Which outside of some errors here and there, it is smooth and frictionless with people being able to buy tokens when they want, and sell tokens in a short window.

Whats the easiest way to achieve that? Not actually having token sales be direct from player to player, but keep a floating overall 1:1 ratio of sales through reactive costs adjustments.

it happens… there have been times when tokens have been super slow to sell, people go post in CS to ask what’s up.


“estimated time to sell 2-12hrs”

I’ve never had a token take more than 2hrs to sell. I’ve been selling since inception.

Yes, they do.