Does anyone else struggle to understand why people like the opposite faction?

There’s not much reason not to keep war mode on. Even if you don’t PvP, the time you lose to being ganked does not outweigh the 20% bonuses.

It’s not emo and I am starting to think you just don’t know what Emo is, lol. The forsaken hairstyles scream punk and goth.

No, because I recognize the game’s fictional factionalization as fiction, and the storytelling done to make the two sides hate each other as dishonest and inconsistent.

Both the Alliance and the Horde taken as a whole have done awful things over time, and I’m not big on taking artificial story narratives on as my own personal points of view like any of this was real.

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I play Alliance because I identify more with Alliance structures and values. I see the Horde, particularly the Orcs as “The other, the invader, the murderer, the outsider, the barbarian.” Men of higher caliber always side with civilization when its pitted against the barbarians. I value Law, Order, Structured Society, Ethics. Where would I be more comfortable? A ballroom in a castle filled with nobility and heavy armored knights, or in a jungle somewhere with constant beating drums, scalping, mosquitos, fighting, ripping live flesh off the bone with disgusting teeth and intelligible screeching? That’s the Alliance vs Horde for you.

Alliance any day.


i like both factions for their aesthetics.

i like alliance for their version of the standard feeling fantasy races/locations.

and i like horde cause their races are’nt normally playable in standard rpgs (seriously, how many rpgs let you play as a goblin??).

it’s not that complicated.

I will never understand why and how so many people feel that showing empathy or taking a moment to cry/mourn the loss of loved ones is a sign of “weakness”.

There are many posts portraying Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin as whiny crybabies. A crybaby is someone who cries easily and complains all the time, neither of which I have seen from Jaina or Anduin. Scoff all you like, but they’ve only ever cried at appropriate times, which is a very human thing to do and also a quality seen in Orcs, e.g., Saurfang weeping over the corpse of his son. They all (Orcs and humans alike) get their sorrow out, then move on quickly by either learning from the event or taking action and only use those memories/experiences as a reference when deciding similar ethical choices in the future. Jaina has ideals, sees her beliefs tested, makes a great sacrifice for those ideals and ultimately pays the price. The fact that she has realistic failings and learns from them makes her a compelling, relatable character.

Maybe the reason why everyone thinks Jaina whines all the time is because she’s lost loved ones more times than any other character. That’s pretty freaking sad, actually.

And I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

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