Do you think there will be a SoM 2?

Do you think there will be a season 2?

I’m worried tbh. It seems the servers are a bit light.

I’ve been having so much fun because of the lack of cash shop and mage boost. I’d hate if they didn’t do this again. I’d love one for TBC or Wrath, but I’d be just content with classic SOM 2.

Concerned Human


i hope they add retail graphics so its playable

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No. And I hope they dont try it with tbc and beyond.

They should just focus on the era realms and offer classic +.


I think so, with less servers. quite possibly 1 pvp, 1 pve.


No. Graphics dont matter. Gameplay does.


People can talk about how much they loved the “journey” of levelling in Vanilla wow however we’ve now see between private servers, Classic and SoM that the majority of the player base is going to race to max level and focus on end game content.

I love end game vanilla. I hate lvl 20-55 in Vanilla.

I tried to play both SOM and TBC but nothing about SoM invites that kind of casual dedication on it’s short time line. If there is one thing SoM has done is significantly increase the profit margins of gold sellers. Imagine nerfing all the casual farms so that the only ones who can get ahead are the ones that run bots 24/7.


Yeah we’ll get SoM2.


I would be in for a Classic SoM 2. If they try to make it TBC SoM though I’m out.


Yes, though think they are trying hardcore raids and fresh as popular demand. Think the next such popular demand would be classic plus. But what could happen in classic plus. Here is my theory:
*raids harder than vanilla not as hard as som1 a bit shorter fights but similar mechanics to som1
*classes: buff ret/prot paladins, increase mana regen by buffing blessing of wisdom, and judgement of wisdom to account for longer fights.

  • radials: balanced for pvp wrath/vanilla hybred with emfh, orc stun resistance changed to duration reduction, and dwarves getting mace skill.
    *new raids: Now here is the deets: classic raids have something which people will go to throughout the entire expansion. So a new raid would need a way to introduce new best in slot gears while making sure people still have a reason to do the other raids. (enchants for non-heal/tank warriors and classes that can heal might be good as well as a 1h mace that is at the level of kt stuff, maybe some set for ret/prot paladins which will compliment slots not covered by t2.5)
    PVP: make the rank system not awful, maybe add 0% decay but you need certain milestones to get r14 or maybe a long pvp based quest chain similar in scope to .5 quest chain.
    Classes p2: nerfs to overpowered pvp classes, shamans are too powerful in vanilla think they should be nerfed.

As a note I would expect it to be pretty much the almost same as classic vanilla but with the new content added EVENTUALLY.

Everyone has their own version of the “perfect game”


Truth. I have my own thoughts on what I’d like to see for season 2, but whatever they do, if I’m having fun in the end I’ll be there. I just want to do at least one more season and play Horde again as I went Alliance this time to try the faction for the first time and try classic raiding. I’m having fun and hope our guild goes as far as possible.

not true actually

If there is, it will be with major changes. The current SOM didn’t go far enough and suffered as a result. It was already going to lose the no changes crowd, but it failed to entice the changes crowd.

I currently think SOM is a PTR to see how the community reacts to certain changes.

One of those being they killed boosting, and 99% of the population applauded that change.

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I hope not.

They took a game that was designed with a 3+ year cycle and cut it down to 12 months.

They made ovp gear literally 100% easier to attain and put it in at the beginning. Now everyone just PvPs instead of focusing on raiding and prebis.

They altered the intro raid to make it much more difficult, thus exacerbating the pvp issue.

Retail became something I dont want to play because Blizzard listened to their playerbase or theyre just completely incompetent.

We need classic simply left alone to be classic era.
The morons couldnt even help changing era ffs


Relaunch of original is the only way it’s ever going to retain a good player base mark my words. People say som failed bc there wasn’t enough changes - no, it failed even with the few changes they put in. Biggest reason being raising the point of entry into raiding for your casual player base. GG


Classic and Som were never going to bring back 12 million subs and you really shouldn’t expect them to. Its retro gaming now, all they have to do is start a couple new servers every year and there will be more than enough players to keep the game running. Its really time to get over this doom and gloom phase and just appreciate that you can go back and experience it whenever you want now.


With how much SOM failed I doubt it. Yea it was hyped for the first week or two but now you can see from the server pops that its a very niche thing for the community.

I agree with you. Of course there will never be the numbers we saw in Vanilla or even Classic but the more and more I see player interactions, meta’s created, toxic trolling behavior, I feel it is far better for the health of the game to keep the crowd smaller. Private server size would be optimal IMO

There is and always will be a community, whether big or small that wants Vanilla WoW or a close enough iteration.

They have that in C.E. and can continue to be profitable while using minimal resources. The code is already written, the game is somewhat polished (minus the few bugs that need to be fixed) and you have a happy playerbase that doesn’t require change or updates.

  • Merge all Classic Era servers to 1 PvE and 1 PvP.

  • Create a new server for C.E. that is designated as the “fresh” that resets 6 months after Naxx release where you can transfer off to an existing CE server, similar to SoM.

  • Do this every 18-24 months, minimal effort and easy profit.


I mean…clearly they’re going to keep doing this. Basically opening private servers is their new thing. I wish they could go just straight 7x XP instead of the 40x quest thing. It feels like it still takes a lot time to level.

SOM is a complete failure… so no I don’t think they do another “increased challenge” server…

They also need another plan than just… “lets try this for one year”