You’re skating in thin ice there, gnome!
Male dwarves are the best though.
Also, female Draenai have that waggle.
I nade a make dwarf hunter only becayse I didn’t want to look at rubber dong ears.
i only really play male toons. my favorite being orc (obv), cow, dwarf, gnome, kt, goat, and worgen.
though tbh a lot of the male models are garbage as well. male nelf in retail, anyone?
It’s a computer screen, not a mirror.
The truth is that Blizzard is going to do the least amount of work to sell the most product and prolong the life cycle of this rerelease.
The fact that they moved T5 out from launch, didn’t include a ton of later QOL features, and did zero rebalancing of the game just illustrates it perfectly.
TBC, a game released nearly 15 years ago, still has no raid DPS balance, no PVP balance, no useful profession balance, and it’s just dumb. We as consumers allow Blizzard to do to us. We pay and play and keep this trash afloat. I don’t think we will ever learn and not allow corporations to do lazy garbage.
Why do people think bad itemization makes a game better? Spirit was a mostly useless stat for dps/tank, and it took away from thier useful stats. Of course people wanted it changed. You seriously think that negatively impacted the game? Is this one of those pointless look-where-the-slope-started-it’s-so-slippery! Posts? Ugh
I mean my entire spec is one that defies the meta and yet it works great. Although ironically due to all the research I’ve done into smite priests I have created many of the metas for this off-meta spec lol.
I enjoy theorycrafting more than following the crowd. So I have enjoyed putting in the work and figuring out a way to make this unplayed spec much better.
Acceptable male toons:
Orc, Tauren, Undead, Pandaren, Vulpera.
Acceptable female toons:
Gnome, Draenei, Pandaren,Orc, Undead, Vulpera.
How would this ever fly in a recreation with the strong no-change mentality of the classic community? Even the smallest changes recieve massive resistance and outrage.
so to you you should play horde if you want to main a male toon and mostly ally for a female? ugh. i don’t want to main horde.
if we can just agree to remove female belf (in general, but specifically) pallies from the game, i’ll consider it. the fact 90% of the horde are nothing but praying mantis heads is very annoying.
I’m a firm believer in player-based solutions to player-created problems.
Just close your eyes.
but this is tbcc which means if i post on a horde avatar i can ask for completely irrational game ruining things and blizz will do it.
Ask for flying sparkle ponies.
if there is no sparkle pony in wrath classic that is a game ruining #changes tbh.
Dang is this the secret? Guess I should make an undead alt and level them up high enough to be legit seeming. Need to post a bunch on random threads so they don’t get called out as a forum alt before posting anything especially controversial.