Don’t want to lose talent trees all the other stuff is good TLDR wrath meta is best meta. add tokens payed boosts and wrath leave talent trees alone we like those.
Metas are what killed things.
That’s like your opinion man.
Read through my posts here. I’m pretty sure my opinion is correct.
retail had SOME good ideas, but most of those changes in the original expansions that had them are blizzards fault, not the players, its literally their responsibility to prevent the players from ruining their own game experience for the sake of efficiency. They have failed repeatedly at this. Zoomers and scrubs will of course follow a meta and not use all the skills that the class offers, that’s fine, let them, the skilled players will and will benefit from a superior playstyle. I hated the homogenization of the classes and there was no excuse for them dumbing them down at the same time to boot. It was a crap decision then and its a crap one now.
I’ll happily admit to not liking the meta and gearing myself the way i want for the experiences i’ve been getting, regardless of what some sweaty autist says, but alot of people who whine about the meta-slaves, who are indeed a problem, are ret pallys and boomkins salty they aren’t being prioritized over others, be more useful please.
“Opinions are statements that reflect the views or ideas that people have about subjects and topics. For example, your friend says that all ice cream is tasty. This is their opinion, because not everyone may think the same way, nor can it be proven to be true. Opinions may not be rooted in fact or be supported by strong evidence, though there are exceptions, such as in the case of expert opinions.”
source nation library of Singapore
Players are driving the changes.
I wouldn’t say that retail is more efficient. Things happen faster, but there’s a lot more to do.
I actually don’t. LOL. I need my instant wolf and improved grounding totem.
See wow is like a fast food restaurant and needs to be treated much like McDonalds. Where blizzard went wrong was not in removing the bs we didn’t want but taking away things we did like such as talents. Yes wow token. Yes paid boosts. Yes let casuals pay2catch no lifers. No to dumbing down the game that came after WoD and the world changes of cata. TLDR last patch wrath is BiS.
Press X for…?
The rating of your mom’s last movie?
you wouldn’t dare argue against the nation library of Singapore, now would you Cauchy?
I don’t think he’s read anything past the title.
I agree with OP. He’s a smart man, you should listen to him.
I mean some of what you say is right, but a lot of that is due to failure on Blizzards part to actually design and balance in a way that does anything but encourage a min Max, meta perspective.
you are right…
this is also why people can not agree on anything. with anything. making the game worse for some and better for others… he has every right to express his opinion which i agree with myself.
A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is an expression of a person’s feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are meant to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the author’s purpose and choice of language. Sometimes, the author lets the facts speak for themselves.
The following is an example of a fact: • With fewer cars on the road, there would be less air pollution and traffic noise; therefore, the use of mass transportation should be encouraged.
Sometimes the author may use descriptive language to appeal to your emotions and sway your thinking. The following is an example of an opinion: • Do you like looking at a smoggy view from a congested highway? How do you feel about fighting road hugs and bumper to bumper traffic everyday? Mass transportation is the solution to all these problems. Emotional language is neither right nor wrong, but the way in which it is used can be positive or negative; it is up to you to make reasonable judgement about the material you are reading and to draw your own conclusion.
Therefore, when you read, it is important to judge facts and opinions carefully in order to come to the right conclusion. Ask yourself, “are the facts reliable?” or “are the opinions based on the facts?” Once you answer these questions, you may be on the right track for finding and sticking to the facts; you be the judge. Good Luck!
It’s imposible to design a game this complex and maintain balance.
You’d have to homogenize everything. Blizzard tried that. Didn’t work.
you’re killing me moxnix. can I get a reader’s digest condensed version.
I’m getting ready to go get some Jack in the Box
Ignore that guy. He’s just trying to spin the discussion.