Do you like plant based meat?

Certainly not against it as long as it’s a reasonable facsimile, or at least otherwise enjoyable in its own right. I don’t buy it on a regular basis currently, but could see myself buying it if it offered a cost and/or nutritional advantage (in theory, meat substitutes could be all-around more healthy to consume than real meat, but I don’t think that’s been achieved quite yet).

I’m not diabetic but yeah, this is one of the problems I have with current animal product substitutes (including plant milks). The nutrient profiles are entirely different, which means if I start using the substitutes I’m going to need to shift around other parts of my diet to make up the difference, and at that point it’s a pretty significant time and energy investment.

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That goes without saying :person_shrugging:
Regular meat of good quality is healthy too.


Just be careful about farm raised fish since those sat fats will sneak up on you.

I mean… it kinda is, isn’t it?

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“Eggplant tastes like eggplant, but meat tastes like murder and murder tastes pretty goddmn good.”

-Denis Leary


I’m a man I need meat meat


Does it?

We got people on this forum who will eat a triple cheeseburger and say it was healthy because they had a diet Dr Kelp.

What i can’t see is why is it still called meat if people don’t want to eat meat :thinking: ?


Honestly I don’t hate it but I would rather have a really good black bean burger if I’m going meatless.

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It does, for normal, informed individuals. Gamers tend to think hot pockets are healthy lol ~ I don’t put any weight behind what they say.


It’s probably marketing, if I had to guess. Market it as meat and you may get people willing to try it that normally wouldn’t if you labeled it vegetarian or whatever.

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Sometimes you want to eat a burger but you don’t want to eat cow.


I’ve had bison a few times and it’s really good. But I guess a bison isn’t so much of a far step.


It’s not meat, it’s garbage.


What kind of propaganda magic is this?

There is no such thing as plant meat or is there. :thinking:

Bison is good. I’ve had it many times. Tends to be leaner, which is probably why I like it.


I’ve been told Soylent Green is good, but it varies from person to person.


Marketing yes, but still find it stupid in the general sense. Just like when I’d watch a chef do a veggie dish and say they are vegetarian MEAT balls lol

No dingbat, that just sounds wrong on an oxymoron level almost :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Generally I prefer my plants to just be plants. I have never been a fan of things like low carb candy bars or low fat potato chips or plant-based meat. I’d rather eat the yummy real thing sparingly than eat the substitute.

I think we try so hard to avoid just giving something up or drastically reducing our intake of something and it rarely works out. The fake stuff is always secretly bad for you or it tastes like old bicycle tires.


So many aren’t gonna get that joke, my man.